Welcome to our blog!
Here you can read all about it. Sometimes it's traveling, sometimes it's homeschooling, occasionally we bitch. For some background, read our first post ever.
Owen Finds A Magic Gang
Hi! Owen here, and guess what, I like Magic (the card game, not bunnies out of hats). I still like Xeko, which I've also written a blog about, I just also like Magic. A few days after we got to Bamberg I went into a comic shop called ComixArt to see if they had English Magic cards. They did, but the coolest thing is that on Fridays they have a Magic draft tournament. I've been going to the tournaments here every Friday night, and the guys are all at least 4 years older then me, but REALLY nice. The referee's name is Dennis and he is AWESOME!!! Also, whether you win or lose you will always get a card. Here are some pictures of me at a tournament.
Eleanor Answers Her Pen Pals' Questions
Eleanor has become pen-pals with a first grade class in New Athens, IL. She's been sending postcards to their class. Their teacher, Mrs. Buescher, emailed Eleanor back with a few questions that the kids had. Eleanor thought it might be fun to answer the email with a blog post and add some pictures to liven things up.
1. Is Germany a lot different than California? In some ways it is. In some ways it isn't. There are cars everywhere and we drive sometimes, but there are a lot of bikes too. All over Europe it looks
Slow Travel and Real Life
Brenna and I have been laughing (in a good way) about how many comments we've gotten on the blog regarding her future hair color. It's made me realize that hair-care and grocery stores and what bus route takes you to the mall are as much a part of "slow travel" as flights to Vienna, museum tours and rental cars on the Romantic Road. I guess I'm trying to say, thanks for hanging out with us and giving a crap about the everyday stuff. It's still the larger part of our lives, just not