Slow Travel and Real Life

Brenna and I have been laughing (in a good way) about how many comments we've gotten on the blog regarding her future hair color. It's made me realize that hair-care and grocery stores and what bus route takes you to the mall are as much a part of "slow travel" as flights to Vienna, museum tours and rental cars on the Romantic Road. I guess I'm trying to say, thanks for hanging out with us and giving a crap about the everyday stuff. It's still the larger part of our lives, just not as easy -- or without thought -- as it was in Los Angeles. When we need milk and toilet paper in Bamberg or Krakow we have to find a store through some elaborate game of charades and slow loud English (with noble attempts at German tossed in), get directions, decide if we need to use public transportation, figure THAT out and go to the store where we then figure out what the hell it is we're actually buying. The second time gets much easier (unless you're me -- the guy who says, "I didn't really like that store. Let's look for a better one next time.")
There's an incredible learning curve first, for this whole year and second, each time we call a new place home. I think we're doing great and generally speaking having a damn good time. We'll see if Brenna agrees after her trip to the salon tomorrow. I'll get pictures...

Reader Comments (16)
This is an AWESOME reality show. Loving EVERY post,
Ditto - what she said! It's the best reality show of ever! Can't wait to see the pictures - of new hair OR successfully acquired milk and tp, for that matter...
Oh My God! You HAVE to throw some sort of roadblock into this, a *planned* roadblock. You could make up pretend prizes and set insane(er) goals. Make your children climb greased poles for their supper. You will have to cartwheel to the metro, and Brenna, can get her hair colored by a 97 year old woman who only uses beets and burdock root for color.
You can *win* fire privileges. Have to sew outfits from old curtains a'la Sound of Music, then waltz around Salzburg like raving idiots. There are a zillion permutations that could escalate this adventure to a true Reality Show event.
I'm sure this sounds like an astoundingly fabulous idea to all of you. You can thank me later.
I eagerly await each new update from you. You always make me smile. Wish I were there. Brenna will look beautiful and it will be so much more exiting being that you are in Europe and the rest of us are here with every possible hair color imaginable available at the Target which is just 5 to 10 minutes away. Yes, we give a crap. The crap makes us smile. Plus, you guys are hilarious.
Love, Mary V.
Am loving all the posts no matter mundane they may seem. Everyday life situations are actually very interesting. Agree with the first post that this is definitely a wonderful reality show. Brenna, I don't know you at all, but the last posted pic with your gorgeous hair..................don't change it. Remember once colored you'll have to do it at least every 2 months if not sooner.
Enjoy and keep blogging!!!
Ditto Melody and Yo Mama.
I don't even know your family. A friend who does told me about your travel plans.
I've been following you ever since you left LA.
Truly enjoyable and entertaining.
Look at it this way..............nothingin yourliver will ever be taken for granted again. that is soooo cool.
May I x out that post and start over. I should never write things at 5:30 in the morning................................
Nothing in your lives will ever be the same again. Too much phlosoply for this time of day!!!
I love you Mom, and I love your always interesting posts. You are a true original!
I liked the first post better, mom, it is probably true, too!
brenna - wow, i didn't realize this was your very '1st' hair coloring? Just remember, once you lose that 'natural' blond look you've had for your 'entire life', you'll always need to maintain. I mean speaking from experience, i've ditched the frosted tips & gone back to dirty blond. You'll learn soon enough i suppose.
Im at a loss for words which my wife finds unusaul but I'm looking forward to the movie....
Frankly, I've been waiting for some type of international incident involving the Redpaths to appear on CNN... Something along the lines of Owen Redpath torments Andrea Merkle's cat with the laser pointer.
Bob & Brenna,
Your posts have made my day numerous times. As I read your adventures I am laughing out loud realizing my co-workers think I'm hearing voices in my head! This is truly the best Reality TV Show ever! Looking forward to having these wonderful posts/blog for the next year! Oh by the way, Brenna, your hair turned out great!
Be safe and return home safely!
Brenna,your Hair looks Stunning!!!!!! You're still a DORK Bob!