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Entries in slow travel (3)


A List Of Things We Miss

We've been gone just over 3 months now and of course we miss our friends and family, but there are also some other pretty specific things we find ourselves particularly pining for. Here are our lists in no particular order...

Brenna's List:

  • Homeschool Park Day
  • My Bookclub
  • Trader Joe's
  • Buying groceries on Sundays
  • Looping
  • Breaking Bad
  • My Le Creuset dutch oven
  • California wine (I feel guilty when I buy it in Europe)
  • Our friend Gerry's BBQ
  • Sephora
  • All Things Considered on NPR
  • Ben the babysitter
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City
  • Little Motorboat

Owen's List:

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Slow Travel and Real Life

Brenna and I have been laughing (in a good way) about how many comments we've gotten on the blog regarding her future hair color. It's made me realize that hair-care and grocery stores and what bus route takes you to the mall are as much a part of "slow travel" as flights to Vienna, museum tours and rental cars on the Romantic Road. I guess I'm trying to say, thanks for hanging out with us and giving a crap about the everyday stuff. It's still the larger part of our lives, just not

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10.5 Awesome Things For Slow Travelers to Drag With Them

Hello All!!  We're just settling in to Bamberg, Germany after a week on the Romantic Road.  We'll post more soon on our new digs.  In the meantime - enjoy this un-paid commercial message:

This is the blog post where we shamelessly plug some of the items for sale in our Amazon Store. But, we didn't put them in the store just because we hoped to make a nickel from the sale, we put them there because they're things we're using right now on our Slow Travel Trek (or very similar to the ones we have) and think that others might find them useful too while traveling.

  1. We like to cook, which is a good thing because if you're traveling for an extended time you'll save a lot of money by eating in. When I cook in someone else's kitchen, I can make do with whatever pans are available, a tiny cook top or even a crooked stove, but I want a GOOD knife. As long as you're checking

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