The Stuttgart Ballet (and now we know how to pronounce Onegin)

This weekend we're flying to Germany. Thanks to Ryanair's £5 flights, that's about $64 for the four of us roundtrip. We couldn't eat in a pub for $64. All right, there's some fine print and actual size may vary bullshit that goes along with the flight, but it's still amazingly cheap.
We're going to watch our friend's daughter, Daisy, dance in a production of Onegin with the Stuttgart Ballet. All of us are excited, but when Ella heard the news that we were going, she danced around the flat, leaping and pirouetting. I overheard her on Skype telling a pal that she was going to watch her friend, who's a ballerina, dance -- (Ella's never met Daisy). I think it will be a magical evening for our little girl.
Most of Brenna's and my memories of Daisy are from when she was three years old. I can only try to imagine what it must feel like for Daisy's parents to watch her perform. My god, life moves at a blinding pace.

...And, regarding the correct pronunciation of Onegin, here's an excerpt from an online article by Brendan Blom of the National Arts Centre in Canada.
My brother, when he worked in a video rental store as a teenager, said that customers asking for the film version would often pronounce it "One Gin," as if they were ordering a drink. It should be pronounced "On-YAY-gin," with a hard "g."