Eleanor Answers Her Pen Pals' Questions

Eleanor has become pen-pals with a first grade class in New Athens, IL. She's been sending postcards to their class. Their teacher, Mrs. Buescher, emailed Eleanor back with a few questions that the kids had. Eleanor thought it might be fun to answer the email with a blog post and add some pictures to liven things up.
Bikes in Bamberg, Germany1. Is Germany a lot different than California? In some ways it is. In some ways it isn't. There are cars everywhere and we drive sometimes, but there are a lot of bikes too. All over Europe it looks like there are as many bikes as cars. There are also a lot of motor scooters in Europe. They sound like really fast motorcycles. People ride on buses in Europe more than in California.
2. What kind of animals do you see in Germany? I feed the ducks on the river in Bamberg and I saw a rabbit when we were going on a hike. We saw swallows building a nest out of mud and sticks on the side of a wall (with nothing to keep it up) in Serbia. And we see lots and lots of sparrows and pigeons everywhere. My brother and I saw a mouse on the side of the sidewalk and my mom and dad saw a big rat at the side of the river, but I didn't see it -- I wish I would have.
3. That castle [Wawel in Poland -- pronounced Vavel] was really cool looking, have you been to other castles? Yes, I've been to one made out of sandstone, but I don't The Wawel Dragon breathing fire. It REALLY dose breathe fire every three minutes.remember where it was, and I've been to the one that Disney copied, called Neuschwanstein. It translates to "New Swan Stone." It's called that because the king that built it, Ludwig II, really liked swans. That same day we went to Hohenschwangau, which is close by. We also went to a castle in Bamberg, called Altenburg. You have to hike a very long time to get
Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany to the top if you're walking. We were walking, and I was very tired. We were hungry when we got to the top, and when we got to the restaurant at the castle they had stopped serving lunch, and all they had was cake. Mmmmm, Cake!
4. What is your favorite place so far? There's a really pretty green belt here in Bamberg, and I also really like the parks. They're nice. In Serbia at the farm it was incredibly cool. In Krakow the square was good. Wow! I guess I have a favorite everywhere!
5. What is your favorite food that is new to you? My top three favorite foods in Germany are spätzle ( pasta, usually served with cheese sauce on top), sausage from the sausage stand, and this special kind of camembert that the cheese lady sells. And also I love brie. And of course, Almduddler.
6. Do you play with the kids in Germany? Can you understand them? No, I can't understand the kids in Germany. There are girls who live downstairs, and maybe I'll play with them soon. We are going to the UK next, and we'll be there for a few months, so I bet I'll play with the kids there.

Reader Comments (14)
Great post, Eleanor, and I love that you added photographs. You are never going to forget this year long adventure that your parents have taken you on. It sure looks like you are enjoying it!
Did someone say CAKE!!!!!!
Thank you Eleanor for your birds eye view on Europe.:)
Great job Eleanor, our grandkids go to New Athens school, well two of them anyway, we have 18. LOL Cameron is in 4th grade & Ryan is in Kindergarten, maybe the first grade class can share your post,. That would be neat. Bye Bev
Beautiful post Eleanor! I really enjoyed reading it -- especially the bicycle and castle bits! Keep us posted!
Hi Eleanor! First I should start out by saying that I went to high school with your daddy back in the day. You are a very lucky young lady to be on such a wonderful journey. You will remember this adventure forever. I look forward to hearing about your next blog entry.
Ella Bella! What a wonderful post! I'm so proud of your being penpals wtih the classroom in IL. How fun to have your own followers! Also, your post is so interesting. I'm wondering what Almduddler is??? I have a feeling it is something sweet, maybe ice cream?? We miss seeing you so much but can hear how much you are growing up by listening to your words. Give your Mom, Dad and Mr O a big hug from me, OK and know that I'm sending you a big hug around the nect along with a nice quiet curl up in a chair the way we like to sit together in the kitchen..... I love you sweetie. Keep up the writing, OK?
Thank you! Perhaps the best blog in the history of the world!!!
I'm loving hearing about your travels and experiences. Let's have more like these ...
Papa Tink
You are a clever girl, a good blogger and your comments are very interesting and fun. My girls love reading (and seeing pics) about all your adventures. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. I can tell by reading the letter you wrote to your pen pals that you are a good friend. We look forward to your next adventure!
Love & hugs,
Stephanie, Camille & Natalie (and Wesley too :)
Great job Ella! I can't wait until Tuesday when I can pull up your blog on the big screen in the computer lab. The kids will be so excited. You are now a bulletin board in the classroom. It says " Where's Ella?" We voted on whether to call you Ella or Eleanor. As you can see Ella won. :) There is a world map below your name and we are marking it with your travels. Our dragon postcard is posted nearby with a string to Poland. The kids were SOOOOOOO EXCITED to hear that the dragon REALLY DOES throw fire. They may be disappointed that the animals there are the same as the animals here. I think they were hoping to be introduced to some new exotic animal. Be prepared for more questions. They have so many. If Mrs. Lewis reads again she better recount her grandkds. . . Ryan IS IN first grade this year but not in my classroom :). (That's ok Grandma Lewis. . when you have so many it is easy to lose track.)
De-lurking to say - Mason is in Mrs. Buescher's class and he feels like a celebrity since he is related to the Ella of "Where's Ella?". Love following you guys on the site!
I agree with you. I would've liked to see the rat to.The cake must have tasted good though.
Hope you guys enjoy the U.K.,
it would'v been great to see the rat. i hear you have the uglydoll named jeero i'v gone on www.uglydoll.com and they'v got a great variaty of uglydolls there is this really cute one called Wedgehead that i think you would like. jeero is just aawsoooome! also i'm getting a black and white one too on wensday night dad's bringing it home. it's called turny burny (i'm calling it turn bunny cause that's what i thought it was at first). it looks like a bat on the black side and sort of like an alien on the white side you should go to the website sometime.
see you- I mean write you next time matthew
Hi, Ella! LOVE the Sharing! The pictures really took it over the top. You have always been a woman beyond your years, and now ... You are FAR BEYOND!!! I am so proud of you for eating new foods and embracing the new experiences you are facing daily. This year will change you in the most glorious of ways! Please keep blogging - no one else talks about food enough, and THAT's the main part of travel for me. Keep me in the know on all the Culinary Delights you experience along the way! : )
We Love you SOOOO!!! Miss U Too!
Aunt Cynthia
Eleanor, you clearly already have inherited both your parents' profound wit and excellent communication skills. Thank you so much for this informative and engaging post.
And WAIT - will you guys be in the UK for Christmas?! Because I was just talking to my friend in London about perhaps visiting there during my two-week holiday work break, Dec. 21-Jan. 4!! And it was already my goal to hook up with your family sometime during my winter break, too. This is too fateful ...
Brenna or Bob, please send me any details you have about where you plan to be then.