Owen Finds A Magic Gang

Hi! Owen here, and guess what, I like Magic (the card game, not bunnies out of hats). I still like Xeko, which I've also written a blog about, I just also like Magic. A few days after we got to Bamberg I went into a comic shop called ComixArt to see if they had English Magic cards. They did, but the coolest thing is that on Fridays they have a Magic draft tournament. I've been going to the tournaments here every Friday night, and the guys are all at least 4 years older then me, but REALLY nice. The referee's name is Dennis and he is AWESOME!!! Also, whether you win or lose you will always get a card. Here are some pictures of me at a tournament.
I've been buying cards, and now I've got some decks and a card folder. I don't have many cards yet (only 300-400), but by the end of the year I hope to have 1 (or more) cards from each place we go to remember them by.

Reader Comments (8)
Wow, awesome, Owen! The boys say hi!
I love how you can just find guys to hang out with. You never cease to amaze me Owen.
That's cool Owen. Looks like fun.
Greetings from my little section of the Multiverse which I like to call Dominaria. I am totally in charge here, man. Don't even think of telling me that Alara - Naya would be a better place to live, because I'd have to strongly disagree as I am not overly fond of gigantic creatures that grow giant for no real reason and bump into everything, like clumsy bulls in china shops. Feel free to visit Dominiaria anytime at all. There is plenty of white mana so don't worry if you should forget your shield or anything like that.
Peace and Love, Wendy (Queen of Dominaria)
I bet you now regret giving me those cards.
Great post!! and great pics!
I'm glad you're finding people who enjoy the same activities as you - it says a lot about you that you can fit in anywhere you go!
That's the best.
As always, we're proud of you ..
Papa Tink
Dude! this looks so cool! It looks like you are having so much fun. Your friends look so great. It looks kinda serious too. If anyone can beat them, I'm sure you could. I'm proud of you buddy!!! Way to go!!!! Keep up the good work!
OWEN - How Fun! Looks How COOL Those Dudes are ... And So Mature, too! I love that you found a spot to share your passion. What a great idea to have one thing to collect along the trip, and what a BONUS that they are small ... and compact! It is so great to see you. You are getting so very big - SO very Big. I think you are approaching teen-ager - Oh My!
Your friends look cool, and it looks like the kind of thing that Gibson would love too! He has taken to drawing comics lately, and has created his won character - ThunderFire, who throws Lightening Bolts as weapons. He would LOVE a glimpse at something as cool as this. Maybe you can enlighten him when you guys get together.
We Miss and Love All of You So!
Aunt Cynthia