Paris Photo Blog

Top Row:
- The Arc de Triomphe from the Taxi heading to our flat
- The Seine
- Eiffel Tower at night
Middle Row:
- Ella, Owen & Brenna on Eiffel Tower -- Check out the cabbage flower Ella found at a bus stop and carried around all day
- Vincent van Gogh's Noon Rest. Musée d'Orsay
- Owen & Ella checking out Monet's Water Lilies
Bottom Row:
- Gargoyles atop Sainte Chapelle
- A well deserved ice cream break at Berthillon
- Ella finally gives up at Centre Pompidou

Reader Comments (7)
Thanks. Unique photos.
Did you measure Owen's height before you left? It looks like he's grown a foot in the last 7 months!
Beautiful pics. Love seeing you (almost) all.
Seeing the dusky sky behind you on the Eifel tower I was almost immediately reminded of the Finlandia hymn we sing at church. It is my favorite one and all at once it made me feel near to you all:
My country's skies are bluer than the ocean,
and sunlight beams on cloverleaf and pine;
but other lands have sunlight too, and clover,
and skies are everywhere as blue as mine:
O hear my song, thou God of all the nations,
a song of peace for their land and for mine.
Peace and love, Wh
Beautiful pictures!!!!!
Mmm, lovely.
I was surprised at how big Owen is, as well as Monet's Water Lillies.
Beautiful. To see Van Gogh not under glass must be crazy. At LACMA his paintings were all behind glass. Not very fun.
Your photo's are always so artistic. I love them all. And the Eiffel Tower looks magnificent.
Owen, you are almost as tall as your Nana June. When I see you again you will be able to look down on the top of my head like your mom does to her grandmama.
I know how much you loved Paris, wish I could have seen it with you.
I love you soooo much...........
Nana J.
Those are awesome! It makes me want to see it all again. I so wish we could be there with you! How does it feel to vacation "mainstream"? : )
Love You All - Miss U All!
Can't BELIEVE how BIG The kids are getting! I mean - Ella is like a little lady!