Video Blog: April Fools! Sometimes You Just Need To Compromise...

As you may know, we've been searching for a business partner to sponsor us on this journey. Well, we've finally been made an offer we can't refuse and we're absolutely delighted to share the news.
Winston Cigarettes approached us recently, and told us of their plans for a new family friendly European ad campaign, and how we might all work together to accomplish our mutual goals. Ours of course is to travel Europe on Big Tobacco's dime, and theirs is to saturate the "family unit market." Cartons of cigarettes called, "Family Packs," are filled with tobacco-y goodness and a free prize! The kids' packs (spelled P-A-X) are emblazoned with cartoon drawings of Winston the Walrus. Our kids love the new colorful cigarettes with the chocolate, strawberry or vanilla flavored filters.
We were understandably hesitant at first, none of us have ever been smokers and there's the whole "cancer" thing, but the scientists at Winston showed us a movie, and it turns out that cigarette smoking isn't nearly as bad for you as we've been lead to believe by the media. Their scientists explained that much of the sensationalized data we Americans see is actually propaganda generated by the chewing gum industry. We've personally long suspected a bias in the media toward the gum industry. How much negative news coverage have you seen about bubble gum on the sidewalks or stuck under tables? We dare say none. But, when kids turn to cigarettes in an effort to kick the gum habit, it's all we hear about on television and in the newspapers.
They told us we don't actually have to inhale, but no doubt before long we'd want to.
Our first ad is already airing on Vimeo, and you can watch it right here!
Reader Comments (19)
I too, have always thought we were being misled by the liberal media. I mean come on, 'Global Warming?' ... Like anything we do could really affect the entire planet! Good for you for sticking up for the good hearted, God fearing protectors of America's right to slow painful death!
Very good! You almost got me!
Ha!! Where can I get my family pack!?
Eleanor is the most adorable bunny-hoppin' smoker I have ever seen! And Owen, how debonaire! Such a bold and positive move for the Redpath clan!
Happy Birthday, Bob!
Yay!! Just think the first place you are going to is Serbia , the land where everyone smokes in the non smoking sections as well. I wonder if you could use your inside connections to arrange a private and personal tour of the Winston factory in Nis?
Awesome! Brenna you looked like you enjoyed that drag a little too much Sister!
Happy April's Fools Day guys! Our family is on board to assist you in this exciting endeavor! Send us a carton or two and we will start handing them out to the kiddies in our neighborhood--we'll be sure to mention your family when we do so. Winston Family Pax: It's the gift that keeps giving!
Can I press my burning butt up against yours?
ROFL! At first I was pissed! How could you?!?! People cannot be that desperate! LOL
Happy Fool's Day!! Good one.
Vicki - FOTR for over ten yrs
OMG! It's been years since I smoked, but now I see all the riches and fun I've been denying myself. What was I thinking? You're ad worked, more than any hypnosis, or therapy that broke me of the habit. Thank you Redpaths, you've made me see the light...can't wait to "light up," and start smoking again!
Winston the Walrus! *LOL* Happy April Fool's Day.
LOVE this post. Never mind the spectacular video!
OMGosh!! I was reading today's blog with a pit growing in my stomach with each line... and then watched the video feeling sick!! Seriously ill thinking how can they do this??
You never cease to amaze me with your creative mind clearly working overtime! This is the best "april fools" I have ever seen, you take the prize...
Gratefully relieved as I write this note to you that you and your family have not lost your minds.
That was so good! As I told Wendy, if I live to see 80, I'm taking up smoking.
i've told you before, and i'll say it again: YOU GUYS ARE MY IDOLS!!!
the BEST April Fool's joke EVER.
i'm just embarrassed that i wasn't able to check it out until today, the day AFTER April 1, due to all this non-Census i'm working on right now ;-)
The video was a crackup. The Redpath family is so talented. For about half a second, reading the words "have to compromise," I was almost pulled in, but then when I read "Winston" and "Family Pak" I knew it was not possible and it was all a joke. Thanks for the April Fool's laugh.
You guys are so naughty and bad...thank's for the great laugh and awesome video.
I'm so glad you finally got the kids off sugar! You are so far ahead of the curve on these health issues.