Listen To Our Interview With Madeleine Brand!

Madeleine Brand is a terrific interviewer. We know, because she interviewed US recently! Madeleine Brand is also a terrific editor. We know, because we just listened to the interview we did!
Madeleine is the former host of Day To Day on NPR, which has recently been canceled, much to the heartbreak of fans of the show, like us. She now has a blog called Parenting On The Edge, and our interview with her is the featured podcast for this week.
Listen here, and be sure to tell her how witty, pithy, intelligent, and wise we sound. (You can comment on her site. You don't need to call Madeleine personally.) Lie if you need to. We don't mind.
Reader Comments (1)
Yeah! I listened to the podcast and that's why I'm checking out your site. Good luck starting the adventure. Keep us posted! I hope it all works out for you. I'd love to do the same someday.