The Great Haiku Garage Giveaway #2

UPDATE!! And now to vote for this weeks finalists which we chose by reading tea leaves -- it was hard to see them through the bag, so I hope we got it right. (Insider voting hint/shameless plug: Use the Email Article link below to send to friends and family -- while they're here tell them to take a look around our site.)
1.Poor Colonel Mustard,
Life Sentence For Employing
Candlesticks Of Glass!!
2. Tiffany crystal
Too upscale for me, but wait ...
I still covet them!
3. It's Mrs. Hawker
In the conservatory
With Tiffany sticks
4. How I want these so
To use when I celebrate
Changing my life’s path
This week we have a rather beguiling giveaway, if we don't say so ourselves -- a pair of crystal candlesticks from Tiffany and Co. They weren't technically in the garage, but they still have to go.
Good for the table on special occasions -- like when Great Aunt Edna comes to visit, bringing trinkets from the Far East. Charming on a bookcase with a hand-drawn love note from your 5 year-old casually propped up on one. Essential when role-playing Clue. (Who knows? Maybe we'll give away a lead pipe and some rope in a future giveaway.) Wonderful beside a sudsy, fragrant bathtub. And very dramatic if used as a weapon when an opossum accidently ends up in your living room one future 3:00 am. "How did I get rid of it? Well, I grabbed my Crystal Tiffany Candlestick!..."
Just think of the ice-breaker these candlesticks will be at the slightly uncomfortable dinner party with your new brother-in-law and his unfortunately placed body piercings. Conversation at a lull as you watch him unsuccessfully wipe the picatta sauce from his lip ring? Bring up your lovely candlesticks, and the unlikely story of how they came to be at your lovely table. Recite the Haiku that you won them with, enthralling your guests with both your Asian poetry prowess and your uber-hep internet skills.
The Crystal Tiffany Candlsticks stand 8 inches tall, have absolutely no chips, cracks, or even smudges at this particular moment, and yes - they are genuine. Frankly, I'm a bit offended that you felt the need to ask!
Reader Comments (14)
Now Bob and Brenna
Reaching out to the unknown
Welcome all to come
This is not a Haiku, but I feel like I should pull something out of our garage and give it to you for writing such a great description.
Years of memories
flowing from your home to ours;
Poems in motion.
Crystal clear visions
to see through at my table;
"And where are they now?"
Poor Colonel Mustard,
Life Sentence For Employing
Candlesticks Of Glass!!
Jewelry it's not,
Maybe make into earrings
That's heavy and hot!
Tiffany crystal
Too upscale for me, but wait ...
I still covet them!
with a single match
bodies dance in the warm glow
I fell so deeply
It's Mrs. Hawker
In the conservatory
With Tiffany sticks
Oh! Tiffany crap!
You belong on my mantle
Ode to Redpath journey
Barack Obama
is the only thing better
than Tiffany glass
How I want these so
To use when I celebrate
Changing my life’s path
In the game of clue
I've found the best opponent
He has won my heart
I will split the pair
sending one away with him,
my Nashville lover
I think I'm obsessed
with beautiful candlesticks
Please pick me, pick me