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Walk Hard


I ran this morning, for the first time in a LONG time. OK FINE, I didn’t quite run. I kind of can’t run right now because I think that the lot of running I was doing a couple of months ago is the reason my herniated disc started having a tantrum.  It was a big tantrum.  A long

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Dear Prudence Looks Around

PRUDENCE:  1.The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason  2.  Skill and good judgment in the use of resources  3.  Caution or circumspection as to danger or risk

Well… Bob and I had our first moment of  “We just can’t go on this trip!” I knew this moment would come.  I also knew that we would go anyway.  I’m not sure exactly why, but it seems we just need to do this.

It’s not like we don’t have really good reasons to shut the trip down.  We just lost half of everything in the stock market. A lot of the financial cushion that

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The Spotting Session

Updated on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 10:54AM by Registered CommenterBob & Brenna Redpath

I’m sitting in a spotting session. That’s where the producer or director or picture editor or production assistant or janitor, if he has anything to add, tells me how their television show is supposed to sound. Things like, “When she fires the gun, we need to hear a good gunshot,” or “As he closes the door, make sure we hear the sound of a good door close.” They always preface whatever sound note they're giving with "good," as if my first choice would be to go to the really crappy door close or completely inadequate gunshot. If these things sound obvious to you, you’re overqualified to be

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What About The Stuff?

There are some things I'm loving about this trip already. I'm selfishly loving the day when the incredible amount of crap that lies around my kids bedroom gets gone. You simply can't travel for a year with a large collection of stuffed animals (and their wardrobes), two industrial bins of Tinkertoys, four-dozen Polly Pocket parts, ten year's worth of Lego, and some 2500 Magic: The Gathering and Yu Gi Oh cards. I know I shouldn't be so heartless. I know that some people really like things. Things comfort them. My mom for instance; she needs her things -- her collections around her. They make her feel secure. I'm not like this. I simply love the feeling I get when

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The Tomato

It's a Monday morning. I just parked my car and I'm dragging butt into work again. Today I’m carrying a large tomato (I emphasize the “large” part becauseIgrew it andI’mproud of it) in one hand and my Pro Tools in the other. The Pro Tools is the computer sound editing system I use in my work. It occurs to me that I’d rather be making a living growing and selling tomatoes than using the Pro Tools. It also occurs to me that my backyard garden has so far yielded very little and this one tomato was the only thing worth picking this morning.

I'm disproportionately proud

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