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Here you can read all about it. Sometimes it's traveling, sometimes it's homeschooling, occasionally we bitch. For some background, read our first post ever.


My Wife is Channeling Clint Eastwood

I tease A LOT. Even with the solid caps that statement feels like an understatement. I never intend for it to be mean spirited, though I'm sure I cross the line at times. Hopefully (for my marriage) this is not one of them.

Brenna has mentioned on our site her love of (occasionally quirky) vintage clothing. It's something that I love about her -- but please don't tell her. It's also one of the things that I tease her about when she veers a little too far off the fashion-path (or in the case of her baffling love for muu-muus a la Mrs. Roper, veers completely off the fashion-cliff.)

So this morning when I saw her getting ready to run out to Trader Joe's, it was obvious to me that I had to ambush her with a camera and post a blog before she returned.  You be the judge -- I smell a spaghetti western.


Christmas Comes Early or Be Careful What You Wish For

Bob editing in the Paramount Studios parking lot while waiting for Christian Slater to loop.No, I haven't quit my job yet. That shot of me holding up the "I Quit" sign in the Home Page video represents some Future Bob. I have been on "vacation" since December 16 and don't know for sure when I'll go back to work after the new year. I'm enjoying the time off and have been making great use of it, I'm just not too fond of the no paycheck thing. It's not uncommon to have a little break around December or January, and it's certainly more convenient to have the time off now rather than working seven days a week through Christmas, and then having January off.  The difference this year is that I have no real idea when I'll be going back to work. There isn't anything waiting for me to go back to right now.

Plan A was to continue doing my job at Warner Bros. until the end of the television season, which

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Dinnerware Attrition

I just picked 115 broken shards of shattered bread plate from the sink -- that's not counting the pieces that went down the drain.  I stopped counting when they got so small that they embedded themselves into my finger tips.  I'm not really sure why I started counting in the first place.  It looked as if the plate had exploded and I think I was just curious.

Here is a picture of the last wine glass in the house - just after it shattered to bits.  We've stopped replacing the frequently broken glasses and dishes in our house since we're going to be leaving in the near future.  Why spend money on more things that we're going to have to sell or give away?  That's the thought anyway.  We're now drinking wine out of jelly jars and milk from recycled pasta sauce jars.  Eleanor's refined sensibilities are offended, but Brenna and I think it's kinda funny.  I haven't figured out what to use for plates yet.  Brenna vetoed the fake-butter-lid idea. Any other ideas?


We love you Melody. Oh yes we do!

The website is almost finished.  The video is almost finished.  We are (maybe) a few days from a launch.  It's VERY exciting and terrifying.   I was talking to Melody -  our beloved Squarespace Goddess and web designer - the other day, and I told her that I'm getting nervous about this project ending, because she won't be there anymore to answer questions and hand-hold.  

She's become my website doula.  The woman I can always depend on to know the question even when I can't think of any of the technical terms I need to describe what the hell I'm trying to ask.  Only with Melody, we talk about Twitter and data storage, and with my doula we talked about Braxton Hicks and centimeters dilated.  Good God I'm glad I won't be pregnant again!!! (knock on wood, knock on wood!!!)  

One day soon Bob and I won't have a constantly revolving list of things to ask Melody about.  We won't be able to bounce every idea we have off of Melody to see if it's any good.  

If anyone out there ever needs a Squarespace designer, I hope you find yourself a Melody.  Or hell - just find Melody!!  And so we end with a song for our favorite Goddess of Squarespace:  We love you Melody.  Oh yes we do-oo.  We love you Melody.  And we'll be true-oo.


Bones, Carnage, And Frozen Peas

Yesterday we went on a hike with some friends.  It was simply lovely: beautiful waterfall, crisp air, space where the boys can throw rocks and beat sticks and no mom has to say “Stop it!”   Los Angeles is simply running over with these little natural spaces, in the middle of the big sprawling city.  It’s something I love so much about this place.

On our way back down Eleanor and her friend found some animal bones. They were very excited,

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