Dinnerware Attrition

I just picked 115 broken shards of shattered bread plate from the sink -- that's not counting the pieces that went down the drain. I stopped counting when they got so small that they embedded themselves into my finger tips. I'm not really sure why I started counting in the first place. It looked as if the plate had exploded and I think I was just curious.
Here is a picture of the last wine glass in the house - just after it shattered to bits. We've stopped replacing the frequently broken glasses and dishes in our house since we're going to be leaving in the near future. Why spend money on more things that we're going to have to sell or give away? That's the thought anyway. We're now drinking wine out of jelly jars and milk from recycled pasta sauce jars. Eleanor's refined sensibilities are offended, but Brenna and I think it's kinda funny. I haven't figured out what to use for plates yet. Brenna vetoed the fake-butter-lid idea. Any other ideas?
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