I'd Like A Label Please: Defining Our Travel Style

I'm someone who likes a good label. Not like designer clothes, but the kind of labels we hang on ourselves. They keep me cozy and safe feeling. My labels are fleece lined and wind resistant. At work I was a Sound Supervisor. It defined me -- at work anyway. Lately, I've been feeling label-less. My psyche's getting a little chilly. So, today at breakfast, I asked Brenna, "What are we now?"
We are absolutely Tourists, but it goes beyond that. The vision of a solid clump of 57 retirees exiting a bus and filing into a museum at a predetermined time to see a predetermined number of pieces of art doesn't fit our current style of travel. I've done big bus tourist travel and you absolutely see a lot -- you just don't necessarily experience a lot.
We're sort of meandering our way through