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Here you can read all about it. Sometimes it's traveling, sometimes it's homeschooling, occasionally we bitch. For some background, read our first post ever.


The Disclaimer

Before you start thinking that I'm whining about my situation or that I'm not thankful for my life, I just want to say that I know I've been very fortunate. I like living in Los Angeles. It has so much to offer. I know that my job is one that many people would love to have. It has provided for my family for many years. We have wonderful friends. And, for the most part, we have our health.

It's not that all of that isn't enough. The point is, I'd rather

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A Midlife What?!?

cri·sis n
1.a situation or period in which things are very uncertain, difficult, or painful, especially a time when action
must be taken to avoid complete disaster or breakdown
2. a time when something very important for the future happens or is decided
3. a point in the course of a disease when the patient suddenly begins to get worse or better

When Bob first realized that what he was feeling was, in fact, a midlife crisis, he wasannoyed and embarrassed. He was pissed off! "It's such a cliche!" he said. That's when I looked up

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An Introduction

The Redpath Family

My name is Bob. My wife, Brenna, and I both awoke early one morning late this July after yet another fitful night, but instead of trying to go back to sleep we started talking. In hindsight, sleep would have been the easier choice.

I'll back up a little first. My job (a perfectly fine one -- if you like that kind of thing) is very seasonal. I have no control over

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