I'm Calling In a Solid

Hey Everybody,
Thanks for being here. We can't tell you how amazed and delighted we are that you come around from time to time.
We're calling in a solid. Part of our master plan to take over the universe involves having a website that has an overwhelming and exploding population. It also would really help us get a publisher interested. So we're asking you to tell a few friends about us. Send a quick email. Drop our name at lunch, or dinner. Maybe at lunch and dinner, providing you're having those two meals with different people.
Or, if you're a rabid fan, you could host a What! You Don't Know About This Fabulous Site Yet?!? party and invite a few hundred close friends and neighbors.Tell everyone to study up first, as there will be a trivia contest, and give out prizes to the person with the most correct answers. Here's a sample:
What blog got the most responses ever?
Answer: The news that Brenna was going to dye her hair brown.
Actually that's kinda sad. Don't use that question. Think up another one. But the point is that we would love to grow, and you're just the man, or woman, to make it happen.
Thanks for considering my proposal. I will personally come over and cook every one of you dinner at your house when I get to wherever you live.
For real.
But not really.
P.S. It's snowing again. It's my fault too, because just yesterday I said to myself "I bet we're done with snow for a while" I really have to be more careful.
Reader Comments (8)
Ooow, I see, you wish to belong to the happy few celebrities.... ;-)
Try this question: "Why does this bunch continue to do things of which they can know they will lead to more uncertainty?"
or "From Here to Uncertainty for Dummies"
If you want even more snow or soo much snow that you actually can go skiing - head North. Take a cheap flight with Ryanair to Oslo-Torp, plough your way through the snowmasses and do like one of my pupils (11 y.o Markus) last week: get lost in the mountains just before sunset and get resqued by a Sea King helicopter and make the national news. ;-)
Just some ideas.... ;-)
Hey CouchSurfing Pal!
Sounds like we won't be coming to Oslo until the snow melts. We don't want to get lost. Hope your student is fine.
Got it........I'll tell all my friends again.
Some of us would love to see snow..........just think of all those years you lived in LA without even seeing a tree turn from green to yellow and red. (Brown does not count.)
Snow is beautiful ,snow is good, under the snow are sleeping flowers.
Spring will come sooner than you think. I imagine spring in Scottland is stunning.
Much love,
I tell everyone and remind them again and again. I've circulated "Whoosh".
I got a pretty good response from my facebook friends, I sent them all the link and told them to follow my cray cousins on their world tour. Kind of like the Stones but not really. They weren't surprised that there are other people in my family a little off.
I think the craziness comes from the Remley side. A short conversation with a 93 year old lady in Malvern, AR could show that.
If your looking for me I won't be in Oslo.... Love you guys!
I've been enjoying it so much myself! I passed it on to several friends as well as my son and daughter-in-law who are having twins and are now in the hospital on bed rest for maybe 3 months. Just the thing to help occupy some of their time.
Jim is right...................all the Remley's are a little off. Case in point......your mom. We do keep life interesting do we not?