Linchpin: Seth Godin Talks About His New Book

We've mentioned Seth Godin, his thinking and his work, before on our blog. I hesitated to post another blog about Seth, but he's just released another book, Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?, which we immediately purchased on Kindle and have already started reading. It was this video interview that he did with Jun Loayza for the UnTemplater website that made me decide to go ahead and chat about this with you. I cued it up to a moment in the clip that made my hair stand (without my usual gel). Watch for about 45 seconds -- or start at the beginning and watch the whole thing...
It was of particular interest to me because the topic of Linchpin is one of the major themes in my decision to figure out a new way, a better way to live life on my own terms. It was as if I woke up one day and my career had been replaced with a part-time job where it was abundantly clear that I was replaceable by anyone willing to do the job for less, (or faster, which is really the same as less) but NOT better. There's no money in better.
So what to do? Well I did something drastic. I quit. But a more realistic solution would be, and no doubt will be, for me to embrace the gig-nature of my industry and the economy in general. Just because it used to be a great living doesn't mean that it ever will be again. So turn it into what it is -- one gig. Be ready to branch out and try new things -- new gigs. String 'em all together for a living.
I'm still not sure what our lives will look like at the end of this year. I'm not sure how much TV post production work I'll do when I return. I'm already planning a period of work in Los Angeles in April while Brenna and the kids continue traveling, and instead of feeling anything like defeat, it's completely the opposite. It's one job -- one gig, but not the only job.
When I left LA last June the prospects of making the same kind of living doing what I'd done for the past twenty years had more or less vanished. It was exactly as Seth Godin just said in this interview. How the hell can't I read this book.

Reader Comments (6)
Thanks for posting this Bob, really resonates. It's the same message found in the Hedgehog concept in the book Good to Great. Seth provided a fascinating look at the origin of the template lifestyle. Wow, need to pick this up.
Hi Bob ...
WB Transfer man here again to say hello. I hope that you and the family are doing well. Boy, Seth sure makes you think about life in a truly different light. And I agree with the (Less and/or Faster) way of business in the World. It seems like that's what is ALL about .... I wish your family a continued safe and educational journey around the globe.
Neat interview. Jenna just picked up two of Seth's audio books from the library. Am anxious to listen now.
Thanx for the tip.
Goin on my 10th year with current employment yet everyday i live my life never really having the security that another day would give me the same opportunity. Maybe that's part of any 'sales' job but it also keeps me grounded & hungry for more more more & MORE. Moving forward with new corporate influence becoming more & more intrusive, it's starting to be apparent that this gravy train may be losing steam. I must admit though that i've never felt like a cog in great big machine having worked for a smaller size company and not a 'factory' (18 total employees and being 1 of 2 that still here 10 yrs later). i think that has a lot to do with the pride i take in doing my role to my fullest within what i still call 'my company'. I suppose they'll (corp) have to be the ones to make my decision for me in regards to my ongoing employment status. Till then, i suppose i'll just consider myself the best dog gone online advertising sales rep in the WORLD to appease the voices in the back of my head that sometimes whisper, 'aren't you better than this?' Not sure where i'm goin with this diatribe but felt like expressing it.
Oh yeah, there's this kinda big game next weekend the folks here in the US call the Super Bowl. It's filled with extravagant hoopla and spectacular commercials. The 2 American football teams are the Saints of New Orleans going up against the Colts of Indianapolis. It's headlined to be a fantastic shootout. Perhaps you'll be able to convince a local pub to steer the rabbit ears in our vicinity on Feb 7th 6:40 pm est.
I'd just like to say how much I am enjoying this blog. I learned about it on a travel helpline - someone had recommended it so I checked it out. I looked it up at random times for awhile and then finally signed up for the notices to alert me to new postings. I really enjoy the writing as well as the content!! I'm always on the lookout for recommendations for books, music and other interesting websites and have found all that here. Bravo.
@ Terry -- Wow, thank you!
@ Travis -- I hope your work situation isn't changing (unless you decide you want it to) you've been an important part of your company for a longtime, well, a linchpin. I'm searching for that exact feeling of NOT being a cog and calling the company my own -- (whether I'm working for myself or someone else). As for that Super Bowl thing, It's even worse than you suspected -- we're going to be in France on Feb 7. (I think American Football might be illegal there.) Maybe we'll Skype you guys and you can just point your computer at the TV screen for a couple hours.