More Flickr Pix Galore

We just posted quite a few new fun-filled and action-packed photos on Flickr. This is just one (obviously)... Click HERE to see more!Jeero the Ugly Doll on the wall of Rothenburg ob der Tauber

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We just posted quite a few new fun-filled and action-packed photos on Flickr. This is just one (obviously)... Click HERE to see more!Jeero the Ugly Doll on the wall of Rothenburg ob der Tauber
Reader Comments (6)
Why is it that I had not really figured out until now that I could go to Flickr and find scads of pictures from you guys? Am I the last person to figure this out. I've often said that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but now I'm actually starting to believe it.
Really awsome pics.
Dear Paul,
Although you are most always sharp as a spade, in this one instance you are indeed last on the train to the flickr party.
Great pics, Redpaths! I want to go to there. Right now. Chicago direct to Bamberg. Just for fun I am going to look into booking...
Peace, wh
Why are you and WH both up and on the computer before 6AM? I think that's your problem, Paul -- you need more sleep. Thanks for checking out the pix and we miss you guys.
WH, Lufthansa Flight 435 leaves at 8:45 tonight. We'll be waiting at the airport for you.
The pictures are beautiful! Has school started in Bamberg? From the looks of Owen and Ella on the laptops it seems to have.
I feel I have my own private travel photographer! (Oh, by the way Bob, give the camera to someone else once in a while so it doesn't become a story about Brenna travelling with her kids on a reality show with an invisible camera crew!)
I love the town hall in Bamberg! I'm sooo glad you decided to travel there (for whatever the reason).
Loves & hugs & kisses!
You've got a good eye for photography, Bob. My sister goes to Europe nearly every year (visiting in-laws) and she picks some architectural or cultural feature to take photos of... doors, grates, feet, etc. It's a lot of fun to look at later for everyone. You seem to have a good start on a graffiti collection.
We missed each other by about a week as I was in Vienna and Budapest before you. I also got to take a salt mine tour into a mountain in Hallstad, Austria. Loved the slides!
I read an article this evening about tourists in museums, and how so few people spend any time before any one painting or object. Mostly they scramble along looking in their guidebooks, read the labels hoping that it will tell them more than what the actual object before their eyes says. I spent about five to eight hours in every art museum I went to, and still didn't have enough time. Fortunately, most of them I was able to go to alone or with my sister who also likes to look in depth. I don't know if I agree with the article, because I saw plenty of other tourists really looking. But I also saw those who walked past everything, never stopping before any one painting for a full minute even. I know it's not easy with kids in museums (I was a kid in Europe with my parents) but do try to get some quality time where you can spend as much of it as you need to at, say, a good photography exhibition. Actually going alone helps with that. (Did you see that photography exhibit at the Albertina Museum in Vienna?) I suggest a photography exhibition because it might inspire you and lead to some self-discovery and new direction. Another thing to think about is visiting some universities over there. That, too, might lead to something you haven't thought of yet.
As for me, the short time I spent in Europe was mind-blowing and I've come home wanting to do something different, too. Still mulling it over, though! xo Catt