Loch Ness Monster* Sighting

*Okay, it wasn't a monster. It was a log that Ella and I tossed into the water.
Last night before bed, Ella said she'd like to see the fog on Loch Ness in the morning. I don't know where the hell she got the idea.
This morning I woke up in a very warm bed and debated as I looked out the window at the drizzle and fog, and then over at my sleeping daughter. Is she serious? Should I wake her? Damn, the bed is warm.
No sooner had I whispered her name, than she was dressed and waiting for me at the door. A few minutes later, she and I were walking along the edge of the mirror-like loch, fog all around -- what a great idea.

Reader Comments (4)
I never thought a log would make me laugh.
I like Ella's ideas, seize the day. It's a lovely memory. Thx for this post!
WOW! That is beautiful. So clear.
Ella Bella,
One of the things I love about you is your great sense of adventure and your intuitive knowledge of what is going to be beautiful.
You make me very proud to be your grandmother.
All my love,
Nana June