We're Featured On "Almost Fearless"

When you do something a little unusual, like traveling for a year and blogging about it, very quickly you find out that it's not so unusual after all, because you get connected in some way with everyone else doing the same thing. Bob and I have admired Christine Gilbert and her blog Almost Fearless, for a while now. She's a great writer, and a sharp business woman. Christine is in the middle of a month-long daily series on how to re-work your life so that you can travel for extended periods. It's a terrific series, and I highly recommend it.
Today the subject is what to do about schooling while traveling, and I am one of three homeschooling travelers interviewed for the blog. Go read it here.
How cool is that??

Reader Comments (7)
This is great! Congrats on the feature - your family has always made me feel that if I had children, I'd want to consider homeschooling. And the photo they used is one of my faves.
Ditto on the photo: what a delicious moment!
Our friend Kenny took the photo before we left LA. He's a wonderful (and patient) photographer. http://SelkoPhotography.com/
I love that photo, too. Just wanted to say hi, really. And Jerry says hello to Owen. While you're in Scotland be sure to visit a sheep farm for a demonstration of what the sheep dogs do. It's so cool! And somewhere up there (near Inverness, I think) there's a really cute little theme park that has some fun rides and an awesome treetop walk. We were there when Jerry was six and he loved it.
Loved your interview, Brenna. Great suggestions for those who choose to home school, and travel while doing so.
Remember Sheba? Now that you are in Scotland you can see what Border Collie's are supposed to do instead of our poor frustrated dog who tried to heard ducks! Cynthia and I were telling someone that duck story not long ago. Poor Sheba........she along with Dashel will rate as the two all time great dogs for me. (They both were a little weird however)
That is Awesome! Congrats! the Photo is so touching and makes me miss you guys so much. You should be proud to be such an inspiration to others. I am prouder of you each post I read and each new place you go. Live the Dream you guys ... Live the Dream.....
I'll just be here ... at my computer ... looking out my window at the world passing me by ... dreaming of being with you and living through your posts.
I Love and Miss you all soooooo!