Great Haiku Garage Giveaway # 7

Update! We have our very last winner! Congratulations Mara!!
Hey sommelier!
My hamburger's almost gone!
Bring me the wine, please!
It's been Grand!
Voting Time!! This weeks winners were picked based on the pre-requisite that they entered. This strenuous vetting process narrowed the field considerably. Here they are:
1.) Grateful to indulge
My pension for non-English
Forms of Poetry
2) Bob's right about how
Better looks mean better taste,
But Sausage Burgers Rule.
3) Hey sommelier!
My hamburger's almost gone!
Bring me the wine, please!
When Bob and I were first together, we went to visit his family in Florida. It was Christmas time, and Bob and his sister Barbara and I made Christmas cookies one afternoon. Not just any cookies of course -- Christmas cookies never are. These cookies were from Bob's mom's shortbread recipe, and are the BEST Christmas cookie ever. Seriously. But I digress...
There we were - all happily icing away, when I realized that Bob and Barbara were staring at my cookies. You see, growing up in my house, when you iced a Christmas cookie you put the icing on the cookie and then you moved on to the next cookie. My mom was not one to dilly-dally. Icing cookies was a thing to do, and then cross off the "I made Merry damnit!" list. Take too long and she would get exasperated and toss the whole thing in the trash. My sister and I iced hard and fast while the clock ticked.
So my method produced cookies that all had nicely sized smears of icing on them. Bob and Barbara's cookie meanwhile were works of art. They had a method, involving several steps, and ending with little shortbread masterpieces. Mine looked like ugly second cousins.
We all still laugh about that moment. But it did illuminate a major difference between Bob and I. I would call Bob a perfectionist. Bob might call me haphazard. It's a difference in styles, and both have their strengths and weaknesses. I've learned to delight in Bob's method and meticulousness, especially in the kitchen. Bob loves tools and gadgets that I have absolutely no use for.
And - at last - we come to this weeks haiku giveaway: The Hamburger Press. It ensures that all your hamburgers will all be the exact same size and shape. I personally see no redeeming value in this. Handmade patties look, well, HANDMADE! But then again, I've been known to grab a blank t-shirt and a sharpie, and walk out the door 10 minutes later wearing whatever was on my mind. Bob hates it when I do that, mostly because then we're 10 minutes late. Truthfully he'd rather run out to the garage and screenprint the same shirt for me, making us four hours late. (I'm not kidding, we have a screenprinting rig in the garage!)
The Hamburger Press is a three part plastic gadget, brilliant in it's simplicity, and it does indeed turn out uniform (Bob's add: and tastier because they look GOOD) burger patties. Along with it, we're giving away a cookbook from one of our favorite cookbook authors, James McNair, and it's all about Burgers! In fact, it's called "James McNair's Burgers." Bob loves the Calypso burger on page 44. My favorite is the Spicy Sausage with roasted pepper relish on page 40.
There are days when a homemade burger and a glass of wine are the perfect dinner. Maybe I'll pull out that cookbook one more time before you win it...
Reader Comments (5)
Grateful to indulge
My pension for non-English
Forms of Poetry.
Bob's right about how
Better looks mean better taste,
But Sausage Burgers Rule.
This is so funny to me, knowing Barb better then Bob but able to picture this cookie party... It also catches my attention as to how beautifully opposites attract, compliment and function together in a marriage relationship. Would you mind if we shared this example in one of our marriage classes? Don and I run the marriage ministry at our church:
Anyway, always enjoying your stories and family adventure thus far. Thank You!!
Ps. Bob, I love kitchen gadgets too! can't have enough of them, Don & I agree on this one.
We would LOVE to be an example in your classes! Wow! I know Bob responded to you personally, but I wanted to say thanks anyway.
Hey sommelier!
My hamburger's almost gone!
Bring me the wine, please!
Perhaps it is the most excited haiku ever, but it is an urgent moment in a person's life.