The Great Haiku Garage Giveaway Rules and Regulations

Welcome to the Great Haiku Garage Giveaway. As the name implies, something will be given away every week in return for your Great Haiku. That something will be from our garage (it will not be the garage itself.) Don't know how to Haiku? Here's the pattern...
- Line 1: 5 syllables A po-em for fun
- Line 2: 7 syllables Sev-en-teen syl-la-bles long
- Line 3: 5 syllables You could win our stuff
How to Enter
- Check out what we're offering each week in our weekly Great Haiku Garage Giveaway (heretofore known as GHGG) blog.
- Write a Great Haiku about this something, or why you need this something, or how this something will make your life immeasurably happier.
- Post your Great Haiku in the Post A Comment section at the bottom of the GHGG blog AND enter your email in the "Author Email" window so that we can contact you if you win (no one else will be able to see your email address.)
- Check back in to vote for our Great Haiku finalists.
- Do it all again next week.
More Details / FAQ
Why Haiku? Because limericks have a shady past.
Why are you giving away all of your stuff? Go back to the blog and start again. You obviously haven't been paying attention.
Will you ever give away cash? No.
Who picks the finalists? We do. Until there are just too many entries. Then we'll out-source to Bangalore.
How will I get my prize? We will pay for shipping on anything under $10.00. Some fabulous prizes (and some plain-old crap) will cost more than that to ship. When that is the case we will say so in the post that week, and give an estimate from USPS about how much shipping will cost. You may pay for shipping using PayPal. If you live in the Los Angeles area we can arrange for pick-up. Some items, unfortunately, will be for pick-up only. If you win, and you would like us to, we will donate your item to Helping Hands For The Blind. One more thing: Don't bitch. It's free stuff.
How many times can I enter? How many Haikus have you got in you?
What if I've already won? Congratulations!
How do I vote? Every week on our blog we will post our finalists, along with a nifty Haiku-Voting-Poll. You can see instant results as you vote! You can see instant results change after you call you Mom and make her vote for you!
What if my Haiku isn't exactly in Haiku form? Then it's not a Haiku. Boo-hoo for you.
When will the next Giveaway be posted? On Sunday.
When will the finalists be chosen? On Sunday.
When will the winner be announced? On Sunday.