The Great Haiku Garage Giveaway # LAST?

So here's the truth... The Great Haiku Garage Giveaway (heretofore known as TGHGG) is KICKIN MY ASS!! Bob announced a while ago that he was finished. The thrill was gone for him, and he didn't want to do it anymore. I, however, had faith, and fondness, and the ability to get up on Sunday morning at the crack of dawn, and I carried the TGHGG torch onward solo. And I have enjoyed it very much!
I am going to get in so much trouble for telling you that.
Anyway - since then our Haiku turnout has been fair-to-middling. We've never had a week where no one sent anything in, because we have kind friends who save us from public humiliation when they can, but we haven't been inundated with weekly entries. Maybe it's because most of our good stuff was sold at our Cocktail Tag Sale and no one wants the crap we have left. Maybe it's because, despite my valiant juggling efforts, I have not managed to get a Haiku up every Sunday morning without fail. Maybe it is simply that the TGHGG was meant to flair and fade, fast and furious, like we all wish Miley Syrus would do. It makes me think that perhaps the TGHGG fan base (always small but loyal) is perhaps a bit Haiku'd out.
How will I know? I'll ask. I'll ask you! What do you think? Shall I Haiku on until we leave? Or shall I let our TGHGG fade into that good night, like Dylan Thomas never could? Nor Miley it seems for that matter.
If you think that TGHHG has life left - send in a Haiku. On anything at all. Needless to say - this week there will be no winner. If, in your opinion, it was a terrific idea whose bloom is gone, don't do anything. Standing still is also a decision made.
Here's to pawning off troublesome decisions onto your viewing public...
Ever curious to see what happens next,