Party In The Bathroom!

The day that I finally let go of the expectation that either of my children would ever manage to hang up a towel instead of wadding it up was a good day. It was a good day, because from then on, I wasn't so pissed. The day that I stopped hoping my kids would someday genuinely enjoy fish of any kind that wasn't stick-shaped was a relief. They didn't have to like it. I could still cook it and enjoy it, blissful in my lack of hope that my children would be anything other than devastated by dinner that evening. Letting go of unrealistic expectations is an essential part of mothering, in my opinion.
Still - this morning when I plugged my hairdryer in, and found it was smeared with dried toothpaste, I was annoyed. How did DRIED TOOTHPASTE get on my hairdryer!? While it was underneath the counter!?
Dried toothpaste was also - of course - all over everything else. I choose not to imagine. I took the picture before I called the kids up to scrub the mess. You see the pink stuff beside the hairdryer? That's mouthwash. Somebody had a hum-dinger with the dental hygiene this morning! Sigh...