Re-Post: So... We Homeschool

I first posted this blog over a year ago. A recent conversation at a coffee shop had me thinking it was time for a re-post:
We home school our kids. We always have. Which means that Owen, age 10, and Eleanor, age 7, have never been to “regular” school, as Owen and Ella like to call it.
Now, immediately this brings visions to your mind. I know it does, so don’t even try to be all polite and pretend that it doesn’t. You have now drawn conclusions of one kind or another, many of which have nothing to do with my family, and lots to do with your experience, if any, with home schooling. I get it. I don’t mind. At one point I did mind, and I would try to painstakingly explain to people our reasons for home schooling, our commitment to our children, our relative normalcy in contrast to the freaky