Pic For The Day - Street Guitarist in Uzes

I'm learning that around here, the most economical, and by far the most fun, way to shop is the weekly markets. At home in Los Angeles we went to our local Farmers Markets regularly, even though the price of the produce often took my breath away. I had to choose carefully, and hold my breath while I cooked my small, precious ration of organic greens.
Here it's the opposite. The grocery cost a fortune. The freshest and cheapest way to go is to memorize the schedule of your favorite sellers, and show up early. We went to the Wednesday Market in Uzes for the first time this week. It's bigger than our little markets - even the Friday one, which can get downright rowdy for our tiny village!
I expected the fish stand to sell beautiful seafood paella from an enormous shallow pan, and the honey and lavender stands to draw the tourists (I'm such a snob!). The kids and I bought pears and apples from one stand, and onions, leeks, and carrots from another. We found our favorite little rounds of goat cheese (we like them best aged for 4 days), and the first strawberries of the season - tiny and wonderful! I meant to photograph it all and post a nice little cliched Market post.
Then I saw this guy. He plays like a god!

Reader Comments (7)
Shows its a community event.
At my farmer's market the guy plays Classical Gas, that guy looks like he *is* classical gas. Save some honey and lavender for me! It is all too lovely.
Wow! That dude looks strangely familiar.
Your trip and your web site are amazing, a wonderful gift to your friends! Congratulations on doing what most of us only imagine! You set a fantastic example! Bravo!
Maureen Condon
Did Paul somehow slip into your tiny village? Is this guy's voice as good?
Just a DEAD HEAD hiding out in France ......some of us are still alive you know.
YO! Lama knows this dude ... ahem ... person!
He was briefly a devotee at Lama's El Segundo monastery, and went by the name of "Tenzin Gulag," which translates roughly to, "Has knowledge of prisons." Nice enough guy, but quick word of advice ... keep your hand on your wallet in his presence. Just saying.
Gunga Gulunga,
It is good to see Artie Lang up and about again!