Why Really?

Brenna here. Bob and the kids have moved into our new place in France, and as usual, Bob had quite an adventure getting there. It involved x-ray scanning, luggage searching, customs officials, a few knives, and one very kind London policeman. Also colored pencils. I'll let him tell the story, which will be a few days coming, because the new house doesn't have phone or internet service at the moment. So basically I'm just teasing you here. I'll stop.
We got a comment on our last post, which was on leaving Scotland, and hitting the road again.
Traveling - wasn't that the whole idea?
And as crazy as it might sound to anyone watching what we're doing - it wasn't. Traveling was never the reason for this venture. Traveling was just a very complicated way to accomplish what Bob and I set out to accomplish, which was nothing more, and nothing less, than this: To see what we're made of. To blow open our comfort zones. To find a new way of thinking, of being, of living. To mine for every buried talent, dream, or longing that had gone underground. To build the bravery muscles and the creative impulses. To give ourselves the opportunity to fail, and fail again, and then shrug it off, and move on. To see clearly what is uniquely ours to offer, and to find the place where who we are, and how we can be of use in the world, converges with the ability to make a living.
It's gynormous. It's audacious. Sometimes it feels greedy.
It's a very strange experience to work hard every day, sometimes with intense focus on one project or another, sometimes throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks, and to not have any idea if it's going to work. At times I feel like we're so far outside the box that we're totally lost. At times I think we might just have the beginnings of something workable. Most of the time I have no idea, and I just go at it anyway. Dogged determination has to count for something, doesn't it?
So. There's the whole truth of what we're doing out here. I know that it will resonate with some people, and it will rub others the wrong way. That's OK with me. And there is the proof I need, for today, that I'm on the right track.
Seriously everybody - here's to the journey, and the joy, of Uncertainty.
Reader Comments (13)
Fully resonant here. Cheers to Uncertainty!
Hi Bob:
Just reading you blog. Can't wait for your latest entry. We arrived safely yesterday back in Nova Scotia. It was pleasure meeting you and your two beautiful children on the train from Edinburg. Please say hello to Owen and Ella from me. Will keep in touch, Joan.
Lama Understands ...
And thinks that Bob and Brenna are really good writers. You need to find a way to share your work with people who will pay you for it ... and not just write for us losers who will pay NOTHING!
Lama ALSO thinks that getting outside of the comfort zone is extremely important if one is to grow. On that thought, I am going to retract the footrest on my 'Lazy-Lama' recliner, so as to move outside of MY comfort zone. (Lama is joking, of course).
...The Lama...
Damn, Brenna. That is one fine bit of writing. Elegant, personal, clean. Thanks.
Very moving post. I am so impressed and so proud of all of you. I hope your adventure brings you everything you hoped for and more. The effects of this adventure on your children will be seen not just upon your return to whatever that is but for years to come as they grow and mature and look back on this year. What an amazing gift you have given them. Cheers to you all.
I got goose bumps reading this...i guess you could say it resonated!
I am blown away by you guys.
I think you guys are on to something big. Here's to perseverance! You guys are winners. x
Hi Bob ...
I was wondering what your take was on traveling outside the entire family unit? I would think people / customs / Policeman etc... in general would have more mercy for a Mom and their children especially around the customs area? Maybe that's why the recent troubles. If so, I'm sure you cannot wait until Breana returns? You must have your hands full ... Best of luck!
Can't wait to read your BLOG!
(sound transfer)
Add my response to the rest: Brenna, this is more than just good writing. This is the kind of writing that comes to mind days after the first reading, which makes a reader think, "I want to write like that." It also made me ask my own Life Path Questions. Evidence that your writing inspires = the kind of achievement most writers aspire to. Thank you.
Meanwhile, Bob, I too look forward to hearing your version of what this particular move was like. Kudos to you all!
resonating & inspiring - thanks, brenna :o)
I liked reading Brenna's take on the meaning of what you're doing. It gave me a sense of peace as Linda and I are doing a similar thing by wanting to be in Italy full-time.
I just got 30 years in the union, so I've reached a milestone, but the true meaning won't become real until we're actually in... ITALIA! We'll be there in the first 3 weeks of July... Ciao!
Just reading about your trip.
What happened to "Our intention is to spend this year searching for people who are taking control of their lives in these uncertain times. We’ll be bringing you people from all over the world who are finding new opportunity during a time when conventional wisdom tells us to hunker down and sit still. People with enough vision to turn a bad situation into a propelling force that might not have existed for them before all hell broke loose."
It's entertaining reading about your daily lives but why the change? Readers know almost as much about your friends and families as we do about you from all of their words of support after every post. Nice you have such a cheering section!
Good travels - or whatever you are doing! Luck be with you.
Brenna here: To read my response go to "A new reader tells it like it is."