Errand Day in Leith

I really love where we live. I love living in a neighborhood! Just now Bob and I ran out to do errands and bring home lunch for everybody. Here's our errand list:
- The Marie Curie Cancer Care charity shop (that's a tongue twister), to give away some clothes that the kids have outgrown.
- The Post Office to mail postcards. From Paris. Sorry everybody!
- Just Sew, to have them sew new buttons onto my black coat. It's old old old, and in the past two months all the buttons have fallen off but one. I've been clutching it closed since Stuttgart. I know I could save 10 pounds if I did it myself. Shut up already!
- Jeneil Jewelers, to have them solder Eleanor's charms onto her charm bracelet. They keep falling off.
- J Anderson Butchers to buy beef olives for dinner tonight. There's beef, and also sausage, but no olives, in a beef olive. I don't know why they're called that, and neither does J Anderson. I asked. I'll brown them, and then bake them in tomato sauce. I add olives to the sauce cause I think it's not only funnier, but yummier too. I'm such a rebel.
- The market, for wine and veggies and a baguette for dinner tonight (we forgot the milk - so someone has to go back).
- Popeye's Sandwich Shop for sandwiches to take home for lunch. They threw in free chips for the kids, cause they know how much our kids likes chips. It's our neighborhood -- they know us.
We left carrying bags of clothes, and coats with buttons, and we came back with the bags full of groceries and wine and lunch. We never left our block. The whole trip was a little more than half an hour. HALF AN HOUR! While we walk around our neighborhood one of us always ends up singing Walkin In LA. Wakin LA-Hey. Nobody walks in LA.

Reader Comments (11)
Just came across your blog through FOTR. We're from L.A. and have been living in England for 14 months. Going back to L.A. soon to start our family through international adoption. Our children are waiting for us in Eastern Europe. We'll spend a bit of down time there getting into family life, then off for more adventures. I'll be following along your blog. Love the picture above with the window letters Scottish Haggis (which I have tried recently and thought is was okay, even though I'm not a meat lover.)
All the Best,
That is so great that I just saw the movie "Flooding" just to the left in your amazon store.
Oh wow! AND you can subscribe to your blog via Kindle in your Amazon store as well. How cool.
such a beautiful blog post! loved reading it! captures the feeling of the whole day/experience! can't wait to read more...
Flooding! Where! Shut Up!
Right over there
and then up.
Until you hit your amazon store thingy.
Paul, you are either Brenna's best friend or in charge of website marketing.
I enjoyed a duo of "olives" while in Huntly, Scotland a few years back. I, too, was confused by the name until they were served - they looked like giant, meaty olives stuffed with pimientos.
It really sounds wonderful where you're at, and it's making me wistful of Scotland again. Seems every year I'm touching down in Edinburgh or Glasgow for a long ramble through the most beautiful country.
'(we forgot the milk - so someone has to go back).'
brenna - speaking for all husbands, i'm glad YOU went back to the market to retrieve the milk that YOU had forgotten. makes us men happy to have such wonderful women in our lives. tc
Fixing something instead of throwing it away and buying new - that's a concept you can take to the bank! Or just stay home with it...
I visited the website on the window (above) and am considering haggis sausages, perhaps. Do I dare?
(That's going to be the most famous window sign in your entire site...)
Love you guys.
Oh, and how are the children?