Like Mother Like Daughter

On our last day in Paris we decided to wander. Our wandering led us to a little restaurant in Montmarte with wonderful onion soup, and a window looking out across the street at a huge seconds shop called Sympa. We watched women digging through giant piles of clothing on tables as we ate our soup and roast chicken, and when a truck pulled up to drop off more boxes of clothes, Ella and I decided to cut to the chase. We spent an hour or so digging and comparing, and by the time we left Ella had scored pants, skirts, sweaters... she got a new wardrobe for €28. I think she has the Brenna Bargain Gene.Hey - it's cheaper than the Paris Designer Gene!

Reader Comments (4)
And what did Mama score? ;)
That is AWESOME!!!! I love to see that some habits never die ... and are passed on to live on ...
WAIT - isn't that how WE got it? Just not with the Second Hand Variety. God Bless you for introducing the new strain to your daughter!
: )
OK, I can do the second hand varity.............................
Just because I was the mother who took you and Cynthia out of school to go shopping because I thought it could be a mind broading experience.......................It was, you learned about directions, math, geography, color combinations, design.........
I too can do the second hand shop thing, I just have to stay away from all those wonderful ventage fox fur coats we found in Germany.
May the Brenna Bargin Gene live on! Can it be passed backword?
i just knew my wife would respond to this post. envious on the bargain aspect. tc