Video Blog: So You Think You Can Dance?

Daisy and Eleanor make Origami sofasOne of the most surprising and wonderful things about life is how long it is. I know, I know -- it's short as well, but when you're in the middle of living it, it does seem to last a while. Bob walked into the flat this morning and said, "The post man is 12." He's not really 12 I'm sure, but when you're in your mid-40's, 25 looks a lot like absurdly young. Of course it doesn't look like that to a 25 year old, or to a 20 year old for that matter.
A few weeks ago our family flew to Stuttgart to visit a friend. She wasn't quite a friend when we got there, although she certainly is now.
Daisy Long is 20 years old, and a ballerina in the Stuttgart Ballet. She is one of the very few, among the many, who has made it to the ranks of elite in the world of ballet. She was accepted into Stuttgart's program as a student when she was 16, and two years later was asked to join the corps as a professional. Extraordinary!
What's maybe even more extraordinary to Bob and I is that we used to babysit Daisy when she was the very small daughter of our friends Chris and Erin, back when we all looked more like our 12 year-old postman. I have a picture of a tow-headed three-year-old Daisy, clomping around in my cowboy boots. I have memories of when we all went to Mexico together for Thanksgiving one year. I remember thinking how brave Chris and Erin were to travel to Mexico with their young one.
Daisy is a remarkable talent, but also a wonderful person. We all had such a fun time together! We spent a few days eating pastries and drinking warm drinks at various cafes, watching the snow fall outside, and then, the night before we left, we went to see Daisy dance in Onegin. Oh My!! What an evening! The kids were rapt, and peppered us with questions during each Intermission. Owen absorbed it like a sponge - eyes wide, mouth open, still as a pin in his seat. Eleanor couldn't stop dancing. She danced in the lobby, she danced in the snow on the way home, I think she danced in her sleep that night. While we were waiting to see Daisy afterwards, Owen realized he'd forgotten his gloves in his seat, and when he and Bob came back from fetching them he was glowing. An usher had taken them backstage! Owen had seen the stage crew moving scenery!
The whole evening was enchanting. My children were enchanting. The warm and lively cafes in cold, grey Stuttgart was enchanting. We can't wait to see Daisy again.

Reader Comments (7)
OH!!!!!! This is fantastic!!!! What a beautiful post! I love the way you write -- and I love watching Eleanor dance in the snow! Tears to the eyes!
That post! That video!! Reading and watching it all through tear-blurring eyes...funny how I have those same memories too! How is it possible it was all THAT long ago!!
You guys are amazing. And this is an incredibly beautiful, wonderful, moving, extraordinary post among the many incredibly beautiful, wonderful, moving, extraordinary posts...but then, maybe I'm just a little biased...
We love you and miss you!!
OMG!!!! I love this!!! I love the idea of Mr O going back stage with eyes wide and mouth smiling! I love seeing Miss Ella dancing her way through the snow! And I love their wonderful parents choosing wonderful words and beautiful m usic to share the moment! You are so special. I'm very proud of you!
Awesome moves Ella!! ;) Miss you all... Was so much fun having you here! xx
OH, Ella Bella, you dance beautifully! Your dancing in the snow was magical. Even when you are as old as your Nana June you will remember the night you went to the Stuttgart Ballet and afterward danced in the snow.
You are collecting the most wonderful memories........cherish them.
Owen, I am so glad you enjoyed the Ballet and seeing the stage crew. It was very kind of the usher to retreve your gloves and knowing you, he recieved a wonderful "Thank You."
All my love to both of you,
Nana June
I'm still reading all your POSTS!!! This one was truly AWESOME!
Where ARE The tissues? God - That Girl is one amazing little thing!