Scenes From A Frankfurt Hotel Room

We're in a family hotel room in Frankfurt, Germany. It's late, and we're all snuggled warm in our beds. The kids are delighted to be in bunk-beds at this hotel. The grown-ups are happy to have a bed to themselves.
At some point after the lights go out, the subject of Little Shop Of Horrors comes up. Owen asks what kind of plant the outer-space alien was.
Bob: It's kind of like a Venus Fly Trap.
Owen: Did you just say Penis Fly Trap!!!
Owen: Giggle giggle giggle
Bob: Is that like when you're in a big hurry, and you zip up your pants too quick...
Owen: Giggle giggle giggle
Eleanor: Boys are weird!
Brenna: I thought you were asleep!
No matter what their age, two boys in a room late at night turns into a slumber party, and if you're the Redpath's, at some point someone's going to start singing.
"Little Shop. Little Shop Of Horror - Oh! Oh-Oh Oh-Hoooh!"
Reader Comments (5)
*laugh* Thanks for the laugh. Hope Germany is great. Our family will be going there next fall so we're following along closely for tips.
Oh I love this post. U captured perfectly that perfect moment in family life. You're going to be sooo happy you kept such a brilliant record of all this. You guys are, as ususal, o wise ones!
Ella's right........boys are so weird. Keep singing guys!!
Got me to thinkin bout that scene in "There's Something About Mary"...
Charlie Jensen: Is it the frank or the beans?
Ted: I don't know, both I guess.
Warren: [from outside] Franks and Beans! Franks and Beans!
Words of Wisdom: Always go with Button Flys.
Ah Travis - you're a man of great wisdom!