First Impressions Of Krakow (Poland)

Three things we each like about Krakow at first blush:
- There are vegetarian restaurants almost all around town.
- Every hour the trumpet plays one half of a song from the tower in the Square.
- Wawel Castle is awesome.
- The food is good -- particularly the Russian dumplings.
- Cars actually stop for you when you cross the street.
- We have our own neighborhood castle.
- We walk everywhere to do everything.
- The Square - at every hour of every day, in any weather.
- Poles don't litter, and they're very polite.
- The Square in the center of Old Town is amazing
- Our apartment is better than I could have imagined.
- Lunch for a family of 4 can be found for $12.00 US.
St Mary's Basilica at the sunny end of a rainy day
Owen & Eleanor At Wawel Castle
I imagined myself in the 14th century, riding on my horse round the corner and seeing this: Cathedral at Wawel Castle.

Reader Comments (12)
Yea! for gorgeous clickable pictures that are bigger.
Amazing pictures, reminds me of my trip to Germany. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!
The pictures are wonderful and so clear, loving your blogs....have a wonderful time.....Bev Lewis
Love the pictures and the descriptions. Wish I were there! Enjoy your adventure.
What's in a Russian dumpling? I feel like I want one, but, you know, I'm not sure. Details. And fed-ex samples. Hot please. Soonish....or we'll miss my PMS window. Oh, and, we miss you.
Uh, Brenna, "don't litter" and "are very polite..." Isn't that 4 things? Owen, are the russian dumplings "peroshkis"? Don't ask me to spell it...Eleanor, which half of which song? Do you ever get to hear the other half? And Bob, I'm all over that $12 lunch thing - we took Jim to dinner before he left for Boston and dropped $100 for us plus Grandma! oooo, that hurt!
I love your photos! I can't imagine (but I try) that someone I actually know is getting to see all these things with their own two eyes!
I am enjoying every single post and feel as if I'm traveling with the family. Keep them coming.
I'm reading and enjoying every post.
I miss you all! Love the photos and the stories. Love the top three lists. And Ella, even though you were photographed munching on a pig’s ear in Serbia, I love that you like the vegetarian restaurants in Poland.
Who is on the horse? The prince or the princess?! : )
Beautiful city.........beautiful grandchildren! I miss them!!!!