Our New Digs In Krakow

Today we met our landlord, Simon, moved in to our home for the next six weeks, and unpacked. It felt so good I'm going to to say it again. We unpacked. Every single thing we own is out of our (many) suitcases and hanging in a closet, folded in a drawer, or in a pile waiting for the washing machine. Yes that's right -- a washing machine!! We are living, as Brenna's grandmother would say: "High on the hog"
Yesterday we dragged our luggage to the LOT Airlines counter in Belgrade and threw ourselves on the mercy of the ticket agent. We're more than 60 kilos over our 20 kilo per person limit, or about four bags over the one bag per ticket limit -- you pick the infraction. We had contingencies in mind: throw away random suitcases, ship a couple of them as cargo, pay a fine of 10 Euros per kilogram, or bribe the agent with a couple of the bottles of Rakija given to us by friends (which would have cut down considerably on the weight too!) In the end compassion (or pity) must have been the word of the day, and he let us go without the financial spanking that we were expecting. So, after three weeks in Serbia we've landed in Krakow, Poland. As our Serbian friend, Bojana, loaded up her car to take us to the Belgrade airport she said, "You have listened to Serbian music and drank Rakija and danced on the tables. Now you go to Europe, where it's civilized." I have to admit, so far in Krakow I feel less likely to be hit by a car running up onto the sidewalk than I did in Belgrade.
Now that we've got internet on demand instead of the beg/borrow/steal method we've been using, we've got some catching up to do. There are things to say about Serbia that we haven't said, and music we haven't edited to post. But tonight the repair man has finally finished fixing the dishwasher (a dishwasher!!), and we're heading out to find a market to get dinner supplies. Tomorrrow we explore the neighborhood. Stay tuned.
Our bedroom windows look out over the courtyard.
Reader Comments (11)
Great pic too. Keep 'em coming.
YEEE!!! You guys have a house! I'm so excited for you - nesting!!! You all look terribly happy and I wish I could be there with you. It sounds like the first leg of the trip was everything you hoped for. Your horizons are already expanding - your sites will all be as vast as the ocean by the time you leave. I know you are happy to have a home-base. Now you can cook all the local food and court your neighbors! I can't wait to hear more! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Yay! A home! I promise to write more soon, but first, can I pleeeeeeeease get your recipe for pickled peppers? My garden is overflowing and I must begin canning or all is lost! BIG LOVE to each of you.
Are you renting a car? Wow, Eleanor's hair looks really long. I miss you !!!!! Love, Billie
Enjoying the journey.. Thanks again for the post!
Love the picture of the three of you in your new digs. Brenna, you are simply beaming. Owen looks ready to go explore, and Ella: pensive as so often is the case. Isn't it great to have the opportunity to enjoy tiny luxuries you had taken for granted? What a wonderful day! And you had a lucky star on your shoulder at the airline check in. Mercy can be in short supply there. But hey, who could look at this beautiful family and deny them anything? Much love and good thoughts,
What excitement! Krakow! And for six weeks. Wow. So exotic. Your new home sounds great. Can't wait to see the pictures of the city...
Tomorrow I fly on Air Lingus. I have only one small carry on sized bag, if it was in the US that is, to check. I think I will make the weight limit. If not, then I'll send books home with friends who are taking me to the airport. London is a blast, especially as I've been seeing many old friends since I lived here for three years when I got out of high school. Vienna is next for me and it will be two days here, three there, four once in awhile for the next month. Budapest is as exotic as my trip gets... or maybe Malaga is, too?
In one week, I already tore up the soles of my new Merrils. Boo hoo. So comfy. How are your shoes doing, Brenna? Which ones did you decide to keep? Also, what do you say to get them to waive the luggage charges? And what will yo do on your next flight?
Love the photo!
Krakaw, We had been there, beautiful country side, so green.
You guys look great and very happy...........no wonder an actual washer! Maybe we should all experience the "simple life", hopefully then we would not be such a "throw away" society. You would be proud of Cynthia and ne.....WE ARE WORKING ON OUR NON HIGH MAINTANCE. I think I am a lkttle ahead of her however. Nuff of that..........
The picture is great, the apartment look very homey.
Knowing you, you did the Dad thing an BS"s your way through the airport. You got some good genes there honey......from all of us.
Lookinfg forward to next blog.........see you in September. Much love to all.
Fantastic photo... enjoy your new surroundings!