
I dyed my hair again the other day, and decided to go even a litle bit darker brown than before. I'm really digging the brown, apart from the fact that when my blond roots grow back I look seriously grey, and I'm just vain enough to have to keep myself from remarking to the grocery clerk in an offhand way "I certainly need a touch up - don't I! My goodness this blond is hard to keep up with! I'm only glad I'm not going grey!!"
Is that a MINCE pie that's she's holding???But aside from that bit of vanity I love Brenna Brunette. I feel much less conspicuous, and I can wear anything I want and not feel like I'm screaming too loudly in a visual way.
There is an unexpected result of the dark hair. I've started having little fantasies about cultivating a Snow White goes Steampunk kind of vibe: dark hair, pale skin, red lips, and then big 'ole boots and vintage belt buckles. Of course Snow White doesn't have large nose pores and the beginning of jowels...
It is my first ever Wish I Could Look Like A Princess phase in all of my 43 years, and while wildly embarrassing to admit, still I cannot deny it. I realized that yesterday, in Boots (Britons famous super-drug), while brousing through the lipsticks on my way from Shampoo to Check-out. Firstly: I don't wear lipstick. I don't like the way it tastes or feels, and Bob won't kiss me when I have it on. Secondly: I ended up bringing home from Boots a remarkably vivid and bright shade from Rimmel called "Dare". I kid you not. It's called "Dare".
Does it work? Am I feeling the Snow White vibe yet? Well... I haven't rolled my hair up under in a big red bow or lined my eyes in black, so I haven't quite got the full effect. In fact I haven't taken a shower yet today. I have started whistling while I work. But that was really just to make my family laugh. I can't whistle worth a damn.

Reader Comments (8)
Pics, please!
That is a wonderful piece of writing. Really nice.
Hope you bought some pale pale face powder, it's going to come in handy after you shower and roll your hair.
You may not look like Snow White, but you've got the positive aura. I can't whistle either, but your dad is one of the best whistlers I know. xx
I second the request for photos. Also can't wait to hear if Bob caved yet. I mean, what with that ravishing new look, surely he couldn't resist. Plus don't current lipsticks taste quite a bit better than they used to? Surely... especially the European offerings. (I've used Rimmel products and quite enjoyed them, although not lipsticks, come to think of it. Therefore, it'll also come in handy to have you provide that little bit of test marketing research on my behalf, mmmkay? Thanks much!)
blond roots? c'mon bren..just sayin
Please don't start singing in that super high too much vibrato voice, everyone in your house will be wearing ear plugs. You once sang like that you know........just to drive me CRAZY. I think the song was SOMEDAY MY PRINCE WILL COME.
Brenna as a princess.......strange, however, you have been through evey other phase in the book. I will say this for with you made life very interesting and totally entertaining.
One thing you have to comes back on you. I can't wait till Ella is 12. What am I is already comming back.
I love you both very much and enjoy smiling when Ella drives you a little "up the walls".
Owen is on his on..........I only understand girls.
Another thing.............Steph is right.........your dad is a great whistler.
Mom!!! I completely forgot that I used to drive you insane by singing like Snow White! I'm not sure I can get that high anymore...
And everyone is right - My dad is, in fact, the best whistler on the face of the earth.
Enjoy that pale look while in the UK - when you return to CA the sun will fight you all the way - sounds like a fun, fantasy trip - Snow Brenna -