Shotguns and Glocks

Perthshire, Scotland: It's a quiet Saturday, just post-rain. The ducks are having a gathering at the pond, and Owen and Ella are outside making a map of an imaginary land they created. The distant sounds of a shotgun ring though the still, damp air. Some lucky lady will be plucking a pheasant for tonight's dinner!
Canoga Park, California: It's a quiet Saturday, just post-rain, so I expect I'll be rear-ended on the 101. The CPAx13 gang is having a gathering in Lanark Park, and Owen and Ella are outside... Oh shit, "Brenna get the kids in the house!" The distant sound of a Glock 9MM rings through the air. Looks like Joker and L'il Puppet won't be home for dinner tonight.

Reader Comments (5)
Hey, hey, hey! I am sorry but not all gun noises in LA are people getting shot. Some of them are fireworks--which are beautiful to look at.
You know, LA is so easy to hate, just watch it y'all. I may be yet another transplant out of millions, but I got some love for this place. Scotland is great too, but don't be dissing us back home!
We miss you.
PS Gerry says "Don't make me pop a cap in your ass!"
Mara, have you ever been to Canoga Park??? Canoga Park and the Los Angeles that we know and love are two very different places in our hearts and minds.
We miss you too.
Don't be a hater. Also, Bob, this could be a great time to teach the boy to shoot. Think "Christmas Story"...
You know more than one Mara? I don't like Pheasant but I prefer your Scottish gunshots to the ones I hear here....enjoy every moment.
OH, the joyful sounds of LA, New York, and Atlanta during the Christmas season. Sounds of gunshots in tthe Hood, gunshots during a liquor store hold up, sounds of gunshots in Cherokee county,,,,,,,Uncle Burt just blasted aunt Sue because the turkey was cold. Yes, we in the good ole USA have the life.
Enjoy the serenity while you can.