Scottish Roadkill

We were driving down a back road the other day, towards dusk (so - almost 4:00), and we saw a car stopped in the road, and a little old man tottering along the side. His trunk was open, and we thought maybe his tire needed changing. We turned around to see if we could help. As we pulled up behind him he was closing the trunk, and making his way to the drivers side again. Bob got out and asked if he needed anything.
"No - it's the pheasant" he said pleasantly.
Bob didn't quite get it, "So you're OK then."
"Yup, that'll be breakfast tomorrow."
So that's the way it works! I can't wait till I hit one with my car!

Reader Comments (8)
It's truly wonderful that you've been able to trace the roots of so many wonderful American traditions. Think about it ... substitute opossum for pheasant, pickup for car, and you have good old fashioned redneck surprise! It's a fantastic journey of discovery you're on ...
("Wayt-a-minit ... them fesent burds free?! ... Git in the truck kids... wur hedin to Scotland! .. YEEEE HAWWW!)
:-) - Lama Lama Lama Lama Lama...
But do remember: after you hit it with your car, you must pluck it with your hands, before you can eat it with your oat cakes.
Yes - that did occur to me as well. The plucking part I mean.
If you get lucky, it's easier to pluck a bird after dunking it briefly in boiling water. FYI.
Ok, my husband John takes issue with your post. Not the if-you-hit-it-you-can-eat-it part. He says no WAY is it dusk at 4pm. He thinks there are about 7 hours of daylight at the MOST in Scotland this time of year. Which would also mean an entire population suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Which would explain the haggis pizza. Please clarify.
Dear Nancy,
It is December 6th, and today the sun rose at 8:35 and will set at 3:33. Your husband is correct. I hear that loosing track of the correct time is a sympton of Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Drinking, getting depressed, drinking , drinking,and drinking is also a symptom of SAD. why do you think the Scottish make such fantastic Scotch and the Russians live on vodka.
About that pheasant.......I thought it had to hang upside down awhile. But wait, maybe that is just in SHOGAN.
Just so you know.........You do dip the bird in hot water, you pluck all the feathers, then you hold it over a flame to singe all the pin feathers. Then for the "fun " have to clean it out inside. YUCK!! I say my grandmother do this once......I didn't eat chicken for a year.
This was fun to see . I thought I was the only person in the world who had done this. Not really, but I had never heard of anyone else before. I accidently hit a beautiful pheasant cock with my car once. Stopped to see if it survived, which it hadn't. Put it in my car and drove back to the hostel I was staying at in Ă–land Island. Sweden. Asked the nuns that run it if they thought it would be possible to prepare. Ate a wonderful pheasant dinner some hours later. Felt so much better than having factory-risen poultry on the plate, and better taste, too.
(Found you at I have a profile there too)