Duck, Duck, Goose.

Yesterday we were driving home, and we saw a flock of geese, flying really low, over our car. I had barely glimpsed them, and was staring - mouth open, when Bob shouted "Get the camera, get the camera!!!" The geese were so big, and so beautiful! I couldn't stop staring.
"I don't know where it is." I said.
Bob rolled down the window still shouting "Get the camera!!"
I very reluctantly pulled my gaze away from the birds, almost at eye-level now and just incredible to see, and started searching for the camera in all the pockets of all the jackets, while the honking of huge, low flying, beautiful geese sounded loud in my ears. Suddenly the car lurched. Bob was pulling off the road to get the shot. I gripped the dashboard to steady myself and looked up for the geese. They were on the other side of the car now, and flying away fast. I watched them go, knowing that I'd missed the experience for the most part. The kids hadn't. They were in awe. Cool.
The car came to a stop, and Bob and I sat staring out the windshield for a moment, both of us a little amazed at how badly we'd messed that up. I was thinking that I'd never seen geese flying in formation that close before, and wondered if I would again. Bob was wondering why I didn't get to the camera faster.
As I sat, I realized I was looking at a very muddy, swampy patch of bog, and that our car was sitting in the middle of it. Bob tried to drive forward. Nope. Tried again. Nope, although we did go a little deeper into the muck. I could feel the car going in. By that time we were giggling. What the hell had we become?? We're like ambulance chasers, but we chase anything even mildly interesting that might become a blog.
We got the car out of the muck, and nobody had to get out and push. Bob's manual driving is obviously improving! This morning we had a talk. We are official finished with our month-long 2-blog-a-day experiment. We hoped blogging twice a day would bring us more readers. It may have brought a few more, but we can't keep up the pace and also keep our blogging mojo. It's not working. So look forward to less frequent, and hopefully better, blogs for a while. You can thank us later.
Reader Comments (10)
Don't feel so bad. If you think that YOU'RE lame. I'VE got tough chickens.
...and not the pack of Lucky Strikes rolled up inyour sleeve kind of tough.
If you like to continue the sensation a bit longer - watching the geese - read "Niels Holgerson" by Selma Lagerloef (not sure what the English title might be...) about a boy who shrinks into the size of an adult hand and travels with the grey geese through all of Sweden, sitting on the back of one of them. Beautifully written, for the kids, perfect. They could travel through Sweden while being in Scotland....
Brenna--Not sure if you remember, but we went to high school together--even lived on the same road. I love reading your blog--never have read one before, but haven't missed one of yours! You and your husband are doing a great thing for your children and yourselves....and all of us out here who are enjoying hearing about your adventures. Thanks for putting a bit of that adventure in my quiet life!!
Barbara: I'll look for the book.
Melinda: Did you live in Corinth? Or Arkadelphia? I'm confused about which high school. I'm glad you're enjoying it.!!!
After mssing so many in the moment photo opportunities while driving in Alaska, now I keep the camera in my lap (if I am a passenger). Even then you can't always capture the moment. At least you have the beautiful scene in your memory.
Brenna, I applaud you guys for making the decision not to blog so often. Your blogs are wonderful to read, but enjoying your experiences without the responsibility of 2 blogs a day (phew!!) will surely change your lives in a beneficial way.
Check out the movie "Fly Away Home." Touching story about a girl going to live with her Dad after her mother dies. She raises geese and gets to fly with them.
Love, Chris
I am enjoying your blog a great deal, and I'd be content with a new post every other day.:-)
I didn't realize you were blogging so much in order to gain more readers. After 4-1/2 years of blogging this is what I've learned about increasing readership: in order to gain more readers you need to circulate amongst other blogs, read, leave comments, A LOT of comments -- leave a trail to your blog and the readers will come.
Do you have the ability to podcast? If you combine the blog with a podcast that might bring in more readers.
When I was 14 I wanted to move to Scotland. Why? I dunno, just did.
But I do love Los Angeles and have completely come to terms with a different kind of honking outside my car window - from the huge, low driving, beautiful vintage low-rider outside my car window. The big, bald, tatooed, tough looking driver even gives me a smile as he pulls up beside my beat-up Volkswagen. I consider flashing him a peace sign, but worry about looking like I'm trying for some gang sign I'm unaware of. No really, honest, I love L.A.!
~thanks for the geese story, I am still laughing because I tend to do this on a regular basis especially during this time of the year when the waterfowl are migrating south. My wife is constantly yelling at me to pay attention to the road. I have found myself at times to be like an owl ( it really can turn 360 degrees). Thanks for the laughs this morning and I hope you find more flying waterfowl. Bob maybe next time instead of yelling "get the camera!" to the geese you should try to mimic them. LMAO!
Thanks this will make the day go by a little faster for sure.