The More You Buy, The Better We Eat

BIG thanks to the music lover who used the Amazon Search on our homepage and bought The Beatles Mono Box Set -- we made $9.20 from the sale. We appreciate everyone who's used the store, even the buyer of the VHS tape of Scarlett.
It's okay, Brenna's watched Real Genius at least six times (Bob thinks it's really in the double digits).
We were going to hire a big fancy pants PR firm to help us come up with a tag line for our Shop page, but we think some of our ideas are every bit as good as, Just Do It or, Where's the Beef? We'll leave the rest up to you.
Reader Comments (7)
We need your mailing address so that Billie can send something!! love,Maggie
By the way the current pics on the Amazon link feature the Sarah Palin Book first and then Michael Buble. Wow, I don't know how to resist those.
How about this for your Amazon link?
Sure your kid's choir has a button too, but if you're real friends....
When I was a boy and we had fundraisers,I had to drag a 20 pound box of junk door-to-door to sell crap to people who didn't want it. The times my mother bought Christmas candles and stale divinity...
I've been buying water filters every year from a plumbing shop in Burbank. Amazon had it and saved me $40. Sorry about the plumbing shop though.
I like the headline to this post as the tagline! So I typed it in "other" & voted for it :)
One other idea: "A purchase a day - that's all we ask"
I placed my first Christmas order through "your" Amazon - gotta support good entertainment!!!! Don't tell Scott...but, Amazon is going to love me!