I'm Feeling An Echo In The Bone

I have been a member of the best book club on Earth for the last 10 years. We call ourselves The Bookeaters. This group of women is absolutely the funniest, smartest, sharpest, most opinionated and varied group of women anywhere. I hope that every book club across the globe feels exactly the same way about their group. They are right!
In our 10 years together we've read books in almost every genre. We all have very different taste in our personal reading, and we bring that variety to the group. I've read things that I never would have picked up for myself, like Larry McMurtry's Lonesome Dove, or The House Of Mirth, by Edith Wharton. We've read biographies, bestsellers, classics, and lots of novels.
And the food! We theme our pot-luck to the book we're reading. So when we read A Confederacy Of Dunces we feasted on deep-fried shrimp po-boys. Memoirs Of A Geisha was soba and sushi. For David Copperfield it was British pub food at Buchanan Arms. The book club is currently reading Outlier, by Malcolm Gladwell. I wish I could be there for that discussion. Where's the food theme there?!
Most of the women in my group have been fans of Diana Gabaldon for some time. If you haven't gasped and sighed at the mention of her name, it means you haven't read her books. Diana Gabaldon writes a series called, Outlander. It's historical fiction, and also a little bit science fiction, and there's some romance (read: sex) in there too. The story of how she came up with the first book is a good one. Diana Gabaldon was in a writing class. Since she knew that this writing exercise would never be read by anyone, she didn't worry about fitting into a genre, she just wrote what she wanted to. It worked. Her books regularly hit bestseller lists.
I came a little late to the Outlander fold. I was a snob you see, and bodice-ripping just wasn't my cup of tea. I should have listened to my friends earlier. The history, the characters, and the completely unpredictable story line make me so very happy!
The series is like beer nuts: delicious, unique, and addictive. The latest novel, An Echo In The Bone, has just come out, and I'm sure that I'm the only one in my book club not already devouring it. Get it? We're the bookeaters! Get it? Devour. Bookeaters. Beernuts...
For the first several of it's seven(7!) novels, Outlander is set in Scotland. The battle of Culloden plays a large roll in the first couple of books, and continues to reverberate through the lives of these characters, no doubt just as the real battle of Culloden did for the real men who fought in it.
Well! Guess who happens to be currently living a mere 113 miles south of Culloden. ME!
I am planning to go next week. I'll take lots of pictures and post them for my fellow Bookeaters.
Speaking of pictures, I got one from the ladies after their last meeting. It was of an empty chair. It was for me. I love my book club.

Reader Comments (8)
Bookeater's Unite! Nice post, Bren. We are cool, aren't we? We'll hold your chair open and loved till the moment you return to us.
PS Haven't started Echo yet, but am guessing that Karen and Kecia have already read it twice.
I have to admit I was getting a little huffy in the beginning of that post--thinking I might have to call you out because the fact is, MY bookclub is the best book club on Earth. So I was very relieved when you wrote that everyone should feel the same way about their book club. Phew! I, too, came to the Outlander series late because of the whole bodice-ripper thing. My sister had been telling me for years that I HAD to read them. I'm so glad I finally did! I have to put off reading those books until a time when I can drop all responsibilities and lose myself completely in Jamie (sigh) and Claire's world. Have an "outlandish" time at Culloden. ;)
Umm, maybe I could keep your chair warm until you return? My bookclub dissolved awhile back (probably because we didn't figure out the book-themed food ideal). I still read, but miss talking with others about the world I've immersed myself in!
Babe, your writing just gets better and better! I love this post! I'm finding myself a little bit envious of your bookclub too!
Kiss, kiss.
Ahhhhhh!!!!! So close to JAmie and Claire!! I too was so late to this theatre in a book!!! I was down with my back out this summer and read all them..thats right 5875ish pages....Read the new one when it came out...This is sooooooo not like me...I don't usually go for the "bodice rippers" either, read never..How great that you are there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loving your posts, and tell Elenor her kumquat "trees" are doing well!
Luck-out, living so close to Culloden.... Can hardly wait for your photo and report. Both you and Bob are awesome journalists. Happy Halloween! How is this holiday celebrated where you are?
I absolutely LOVE her books!!! Glad I'm not alone....I haven't read it yet either!
Oh, I remember how excited I was when I went to the circle stones and touched my hand to them - sadly, I was remained in this time and place ;)
Please take a photo with the Fraser clan stone at Culloden and post it on here so the follow Gabaldon-fans can share in your excitement!
Have you trailed through the highlands as the mists have closed in around you? I felt just like Claire off collecting medicinal herbs when I did.
Have a brilliant time!!!