Where We've Been, And Where We're Going - Part 2

In Part 1 of this post we complained incessantly about the ferry that took us from Amsterdam to the UK, and we promised we'd send pictures. So, no more complaining, just the pictures. Before the ship left port was amazing. The departure was windy, and dramatic, and beautiful.
So now we've been in Scotland for almost two weeks. We don't hold our breath and grit our teeth while driving the car anymore, but we still do when we're in the passenger seat (and the roundabouts)!
We'll be in Scotland for the next 6 months: three months in Perth, and the next three in Edinburgh. We've found apartments in both places, and settled into Perth. 6 months of commitment! It's a little unsettling. On the other hand we are so very happy with our landing place. The Scots are so friendly! And chatty! We were out for a morning walk yesterday, and passed a woman, perhaps 70 years old, walking her dog. She stopped to explain why she didn't have her gloves on. Granted, I only understood every third word, but I think it had to do with the phone. Or the dog leash.
I got my hair done on Saturday, and by the end of the appointment I had a complete itinerary of the Scottish Highlands written out on an appointment card. We leave tomorrow. AND - my hair is a glossy Scotch Ale Brown (Bob's words, not the hair dressers).
Even the street signs are friendly and chatty. I love Twenty's Plenty! I walk around trying to find ways to throw the phrase into casual conversation. So far — not much luck. You? The other sign is in front of an elementary school in the neighborhood.
Here's a picture of our neighborhood castle. It's a mile from our house. We walk there and back for our morning constitution. This was taken yesterday. Notice the beautiful sunny day. According to the weather forecast, this will be the last time we see sun for a week. According to the locals, that's just plain optimistic.
Reader Comments (8)
Breath-taking and amazing you REDPATHS!!!
Oh, I'm so excited to get over there! Through my brief bit o' research, both Perth and Edinburgh sounded SO lovely, and you're confirming it with this account.
I look forward to more photos of clever signage!
Beautiful! Wow - 6 months! I can't wait to see what's in store for you guys. Well ... This gives me information on where we should book our flights to when we visit next year. Gibson so misses Owen and Ella and is SO SAD that we won't all be together for the holidays. Love You All! Miss you All!
I am soooo very glad you are staying for 6 mo. because i am comming over during Spring Break. Is April rainy.......just trying to be optimistic!
Maybe Cynthia, Gibson, Travis, and I can all come together, then you could br overwhelmed with relatives.
I will miss all of you for the holidays!
What? No pics of the new hairdo? especially that fresh new look just out of the salon which is unattainable once you leave the front door. Castles, Smastles....more brenna hair pics.
I want to see pictures of your house and Culloden! Lucky you. I have 25 pages left in An Echo in the Bone. I am sad. But there is more to come. Missing you at book club, Brenna.
Karen - I go to Culloden TOMORROW!!!! I was waiting to post the "Bookeaters Blog".
Travis - when you are a fab as me on a daily business, one more fab day at the salon is a yawn...
Hi guys,
I've been thinking of you all especially this week as Halloween approaches. We'll miss you for the annual Halloween dinner and trick or treat fest here in good ol' Toluca Lake. We're gearing up for 2000 trick or treaters ~ it's insane! We're claiming you again next year so put that back on your calendar!
Your photo gallery is amazing. Bob, I had no idea you are a professional photographer. The pictures are amazing! I was just going to glance at a few as I was reading your blog and then I couldn't stop looking; I had to seem them ALL, and I laughed out loud at your commentary -- you're so good at all this. Brenna, we've missed you at Bookeaters. Did you see the photos we've sent (I think Kecia has been posting them to you) of your empty chair? OK, I still think blond is your color. Were you asking for anyone's opinion? No, huh, well, ok, just wanted to say so, but, of course, you're gorgeous in any color.
We've been to Budapest, Bamburg, Germany (sorry you couldn't get into Neuschwanstein (sp?) castle), Vienna, Venice, and Scotland. Your pics brought back alot of great memories of spectacular sites. And, we loved, loved, loved Scotland. More beautiful at every turn with the heather on the hillsides and the lush greenery everywhere. Of course, it helped to have Wendy and Devin as travelling buddies to make it the best trip ever! Picture this: Wendy driving, me navigating, and Russ and Devin .... sitting in the back seat sipping scotch with perma-grins on their faces.
Thank you for doing this and letting us all join you vicariously on your European odyssey.
Big hugs to you all from Dorothy & Russ
P.S. About every other time I see Jonah, he asks me how many more months until Owen comes back home. What an amazing, life-changing and enriching experience this trip is for Owen & Ella! Lucky terrific kids!