Bob Redpath voted Best Of 2008 by The Cynic

You might not know this, but Bob is a published author. Yes, yes, it's true - he is a man of many talents. He was published for the first time in September 2008 by The Cynic Online Magazine. Right after he sent in his first ever submission (Beginners luck says Brenna - who hasn't been published.) Bob just received word from The Cynic that his essay has been picked for The Best Of 2008. You're dying to read it right? Well - here's a bit:
Reinventing the Wheel for Fun and PROFIT!
My work in television post production for the past twenty years has been seasonal to say the least, and, lately I’d consider it more off-season than on. When there are no new TV shows airing, there’s no work. In show biz we like to say we’re on hiatus. It’s got that voluntary time off, summering in the South of France sound to it. It feels important -- self important, but we take our importance where we can get it. When the state of California sends me a check every two weeks, they remind me its called unemployment, and for the record, yes, I sought work this week.

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