The house keys are turned in, the storage pods and the dumpster are gone, the cars are sold, and we have now officially added tremendously to Salvation Army's bottom line for the year. We're in San Francisco with family for a few days, then back to LA for a 24 hour goodbye and re-pack whirlwind, and then we board the plane. Voila! Life changed! Easy as pie!
I slept 9 hours last night. That's more than the cumulative of the last week put together. I was actually able to forget about the relentless prep for a bit yesterday, and have a carefree glass of slightly-warm wine at an Italian street festival we went to with my Dad.
We're having fun doing all our "lasts". We went to our favorite little Teriyaki Me! for dinner the night before we left. And Foster's Freeze (don't tell the kids - they weren't there for the coke floats). I bought Cap'n Crunch yesterday at the grocery store. Owen is the happiest kid this morning!
Little Motorboat (our cat) is adjusting really well to her new temporary home. For the next three weeks she'll be in San Fran, in a house with 2 dogs and another cat. The dogs could care less, and the other cat has taken to the hills -- our cat has pretty much taken over. In three weeks time she'll go back to Los Angeles, to live for the year with Uncle Paul, who rescued her in the first place.
I was talking to my sister in Atlanta yesterday, and she said "So - less than a week now. You leave on Monday!" and I had a little bit of a freak-out right there in the post office. Less than a week?!
I said to Bob "We leave in less than a week?!", and then I said "I thought we left on Tuesday!"
"We do leave on Tuesday" he said.
"The 22nd is Monday" My sister is laughing by this point. So, but for my sister we might have been hanging around our next crashing pad, waiting for Tuesday to come. We're so good at this travel thing! We're going to be awesome!
PS. We leased a car, AND booked a flight from Serbia to Germany (to pick up the car) yesterday. Now we have the first three months planned. With 5 whole days to spare!