Last Saturday morning we walked to the Huntingtower Castle and back, and in chatting with the lady at the gate found out that, "a bunch of Jacobites are coming round this afternoon." We said, "That sounds wonderful. We'll come back with the kids." As we left we both whispered to each other, "What's a Jacobite?"
Wikipedia says:
Jacobitism was (and, to a limited extent, remains) the political movement dedicated to the restoration of the Stuart kings to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland.
It turns out that this "bunch of Jacobites" were a group called Na Fir Dileas (The Loyal Men). Their forum page says they are a "Jacobite oriented Scottish historical and cultural society whose main aim is to create a greater awareness amongst fellow Scots to their countries history and potential." They were the nicest people. All turned out so splendidly in tartans they designed themselves, and had woven especially for them. How much MUST that have cost! One man told me that his socks alone cost him £120. They dressed the kids in plaid and let Brenna play the bagpipes -- what more could you want from a day at a Scottish castle?
As the Jacobites say, Fear God, Honour the King.